Annual EDI Monitoring and Reporting

The University reports annually on work undertaken to improve representation, build a culture of belonging and deliver equitable outcomes for our students and staff.

The Annual EDI Report also describes how the University is meeting the requirements of the Equality Act 2010 that requires us to have due regard to the need to:

 • eliminate unlawful discrimination, harassment and victimisation, and other conduct prohibited by the Equality Act 2010

 • advance equality of opportunity between people from different groups

 • foster good relations between people from different groups.   

The Board of Trustees is responsible for ensuring that the University complies with these legal requirements, in accordance with the Higher Education Code of Governance . 

Annual EDI Report 2022/23

This Report comes in two parts - the Annual EDI Report and the Annual Diversity Monitoring Report - highlighting progress and challenges, and fulfilling our responsibilities in relation to reporting requirements under the Equality Act 2010.  

Annual EDI Report 2022/23 (PDF, 5,440kB)

If you need this report in an alternative format please email the central EDI Team:‌

Annual Diversity Monitoring Report 2022/23 (Office document, 1,684kB)

Previous Annual EDI Reports

These reports provide an overview of work done to promote staff inclusion as well as a summary of staff diversity monitoring data.‌
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