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Drag and Drop labelling activities

The ability to drag and drop as part of a self quiz can engage learners and enhance labelling / process diagrams. The versatility of these activities is their applicability to any discipline. They give you the ability to vary activities within your tutorial.

Dragster example: Drag and Drop labelling exercise

These learning objects have been developed by Webducate as sample activities.

The system we recommend using for this is a Webducate product called Dragster. There are two types of Dragster (as of Apr 2010) a free version 2.0 and a subscription version 3.0. The difference in functionality is small but important between the versions with version 3.0 allowing extras such as Wiki's, Pop-up feedback and draggable images rather than just text.

Both versions are authored via the Webducate website through a username / subscription basis. To create an activity you will need to log in to the webducate website. You can use version 2.0 free of charge but to benefit from the extended functionality of Version 3.0 you'll need to purchase a licence directly from Webducate at approximately £45.00 per year.

In this section we will:

  • Introduce Drag and Drop activities and the Dragster toolUnderstand the basics of the Dragster web browser authoring system,
  • Show the steps to embedding a Dragster activity in a Wimba Create tutorial