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Mindmapping within Wimba Create

A mind map is a visual aid to help ferment and share ideas. They can help structure processes, chart progressions and can be to some a useful way of being more creative. This creativity comes from brainstorming and then being able if using a computer to reorganise these thoughts.

Example Mindmeister Mindmap embedded in Wimba Create

The learning object above is not the intellectual property of the University of Bristol but is a public map.

There are many products on the market but we will be using mindmeister for this example, if you wanted to sign up and create your own mind map using this system you are allowed 3 free maps and these are stored publically. You can work on these maps on and offline.

The mindmeister mind map can be found at the University does have an internal mind mapping system also.

Why use online mind mapping? Well they can be used to collaborate and learn together, they can help students visualise taxonomies and they are flexible for storing visually mental notes.

In this section we will:

  • Introduce a Mind map provider
  • Incorporate Mind Maps into a Wimba tutorial

There are other providers of mind map software freely available on the internet.