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Embedding a Dragster 3 activity

For those operating with a Dragster 3 license you will need to embed in a slightly different way to Dragster 2 outputs.

  1. At the appropriate point in your MS Word source document select the Interaction > Media options in the Wimba Create menu(This is in the Add-ins tab).

    In the related pop-up:

  1. Select to insert the Flash option
  2. for File browse to the published Dragster 3 activity SWF file this is in the top most part of your file
  3. define the Display as Width 600 and Height 660 for portrait activities Width 900 and Height 490 for landscape activities.
  4. Check the Autostart option (leave the Loop option unchecked).
  5. click OK to choose to embed the activity.
  6. Repeat the previous steps to insert other activity files at appropriate points.
  7. Publish the course files using the Generate Course menu option.
  8. Copy all(if multiple) the Dragster activity SWF(the .swf or Flash file) files into the Wimba Create published media folder.

  1. Copy all the published Dragster activity folders into the root folder of the published Wimba Create course. (The Folder)

  1. View the Wimba Create course by opening its index.html file in your browser.