Being an Active Bystander

We want all of our staff to be active bystanders and to feel confident in challenging all forms of unacceptable behaviour in the workplace.

We are all responsible for creating an inclusive culture where everyone feels like they belong. While diversity of experiences and opinions are valued and respected at the University, staff are expected to abide by the University's Acceptable Behaviour Policy and treat each other with respect and empathy. If you encounter something that goes against these principles, we encourage you to be an active bystander and be NICE:

Notice the situation

Interpret it as a problem

Consider yourself responsible for intervening

Evaluate the best way to intervene. 

Learn more about how to be an active bystander and the strategies you can use to safely and positively intervene when you witness unacceptable and exclusionary behaviour in our video below. 


A text version of the Being an Active Bystander video can be accessed here:

Being an Active Bystander (Office document, 15kB)

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