Mark signals on your assessments, units and transcripts
Mark signals give you information about your assessment marks and unit results.
You see mark signal wording alongside your mark in eVision, when your assessment and/or unit marks are published.
The mark signals give you more information about your mark, such as whether you need to have another attempt at an assessment.
Where mark signals appear with your unit result, they also appear on your academic transcript, giving more information about the unit outcome. Your transcript includes a glossary which explains the signals on your transcript.
All of the mark signals are explained on this page.
These signals only show alongside your assessment mark, where there has been a penalty applied. They do not show on your transcript.
Late penalty
Late penalties apply when you submit you coursework after the deadline, as follows:
(Please note: weekend days count towards the calculation of late penalties, while no late penalty is applied on bank holidays and Univerity closure days).
L1 – Late penalty level 1 for submissions of up to 1 day late
Your school applied a late penalty of 10 marks. This applies to Professional and non-Professional programmes.
L2 – Late penalty level 2 for submissions of up to 2 days late
Your school applied a late penalty of 20 marks/ or for professional programmes a penalty mark of 0.
L3 – Late penalty level 3 for submissions of up to 3 days late
Your school applied a late penalty of 30 marks/ or for professional programmes a penalty mark of 0.
L4 – Late penalty level 4 for submissions of up to 4 days late
Your school applied a late penalty of 40 marks/ or for professional programmes a penalty mark of 0.
L5 – Late penalty level 5 for submissions of up to 5 days late
Your mark is 0. This applies to Professional and non-Professional programmes.
Plagiarism and word count
PL – Plagiarism penalty
After compliance with assessment regulations was investigated, your school applied a penalty to your mark.
WC – Word Count penalty
You went over the required word count for the assessment and your school applied a penalty to your mark.
Absence and other temporary signals
These signals are provisional, they are replaced once progression decisions are made at exam boards or, in the case of MP (Mark pending), a missing mark is entered.
Assessment signals
The following show on assessments, not on units. They do not show on your transcript.
AB – Absent without permission
Shows that you were absent from or did not submit an assessment, did not have an acceptable reason for being absent and have never received permission from your school for your absence.
AS – Absent with self-certified illness
Shows that you were absent from an assessment due to a self-certified illness or exceptionally, deferral i.e. absent where evidence has not been required because of the impact of coronavirus (COVID-19).
AW – Absent with permission including verified illness
Shows that you were absent from or did not submit an assessment but had an acceptable reason for being absent (e.g. verifiable illness) and received permission from your school either before or after the event.
Assessment and unit signals
The following can show on assessments and units. They may show on interim transcripts, but will not show on final transcripts.
AR – Compliance with assessment regulations under investigation
Shows that there is an investigation in progress into your compliance with assessment regulations.
MP – Mark Pending
Shows that you have completed the assessment, but a mark is not yet available, either because of an administrative difficulty or a delay in marking.
Default outcomes
The default outcomes when you complete an assessment, or a unit.
Pass and fail
P – Pass
Shows that you achieved the pass mark. When shown at the unit level, it is the outcome for the unit and shows that you receive credit for the unit.
F – Fail
Shows that you did not achieve the pass mark. When shown at the unit level, you will not receive credit for the unit. This is usually replaced by either a reassessment signal, or other unit outcome.
Additional default outcomes for some professional programmes
Some professional programmes may have the following additional default outcomes.
PD – Pass with Distinction
Shows that you achieved the required mark for a Distinction.
PM – Pass with Merit
Shows that you achieved the required mark for a Merit.
If you are unable to progress to the next stage of your studies, the Exam Board may require you to complete a reassessment i.e. another opportunity to successfully complete assessment which you have not passed.
In this case, the programme outcome published in your assessment details will show that you have re-sit or supplementary assessments to complete. The following signals appear on both on the assessment for which you are given another attempt, and the unit itself.
Reassessment signals
R – Re-sit in the same academic year
Shows that you did not pass an assessment (and unit) but have been given a ‘re-sit’ opportunity, i.e. a second or subsequent attempt at an assessment, to complete in the same academic year. Your unit mark for the re-sit attempt will be capped.
Until the end of the 2019/20 academic year, the signals RB, RC and RE were used to indicate re-sits both coursework and examination(s), or coursework only, or exams only. From the 2020/21 academic year onward, these have been replaced by R.
RU – Re-sit assessment (uncapped mark)
Shows that you did not pass an assessment (and unit) but have been given a ‘re-sit’ opportunity, i.e. a second attempt at an assessment, to complete in the same academic year. Your unit mark for the re-sit attempt will be uncapped.
S – Supplementary in the same academic year
Shows that you did not pass the assessment (and unit), but have been given a ‘supplementary’ opportunity, i.e. a second or subsequent attempt which is treated as the same attempt and is to be completed in the same academic year. Your unit mark for the supplementary attempt will not be capped where it is treated as your first attempt. Your unit mark will be capped where it is treated as your second or third attempt.
Until the end of the 2019/20 academic year, the signals SB, SC and SE were used to indicate supplementary both coursework and examination(s), or coursework only, or exams only. From the 2020/21 academic year onward, these have been replaced by S.
R2/R3 – Re-sit 2nd/3rd attempt in the next academic year
Shows that you did not pass the assessment (and unit) but have been given a re-sit opportunity in the next year. Your unit mark for the re-sit attempt will be capped.
Until the end of the 2019/20 academic year, the signals XB, XC and XH were used to indicate re-assessment in the following year both coursework and examination(s), or coursework only, or exams only. From the 2020/21 academic year onward, these have been replaced by R2 / R3.
SN – Supplementary next academic year
Shows that you did not pass the assessment (and unit) but have been given a supplementary attempt in the next year. Your unit mark for the supplementary attempt will not be capped where it is treated as your first attempt. Your unit mark will be capped where it is treated as your second or third attempt.
Until the end of the 2019/20 academic year, the signals XB, XC and XH were used to indicate re-assessment in the following year both coursework and examination(s), or coursework only, or exams only. From the 2020/21 academic year onward, these have been replaced by SN.
Other unit outcomes
The following signals show other unit outcomes where not all the assessment on the unit has been attempted or passed.
Signals used on units where some assessments have not been attempted or passed
These signals may be used for units where you did not attempt or did not pass all the assessment and therefore credit is not automatically awarded. These signals appear on your transcript.
CA - Credit points awarded
Shows that you receive credit for the unit despite not taking some or all of the unit assessment.
Academic year 2022/23: Shows you have met the criteria under the temporary academic regulations to receive credit for that unit, even where unit marks were not available at the time of the exam board. The signal will be updated when marks become available for completed assessments.
CP – Compensated pass
Shows that you receive credit for the unit so that you can progress, even though you did not pass the unit. This is only permitted on some programmes in specific circumstances.
CW – Credit points not awarded
Shows that you do not receive credit for the unit despite getting a pass mark, because you failed a must-pass assessment.
FC – Fail with credit points awarded, no re-sit allowed
Shows that your unit mark was below the pass mark, but your overall performance has been good enough for you to receive credit for the unit, so that the Exam Board can award you a degree. You are not permitted a re-sit. The unit mark is included in the calculation of your degree classification.
FX – Fail with credit points awarded, no re-sit required
Shows that your unit mark was below the pass mark, but your overall performance has been good enough for you to receive credit for the unit, so that you can progress to your next stage of study. You are not required to re-sit. The unit mark is included in the calculation to determine if you are permitted to progress but is not included in the calculation of your degree classification.
FM – Fail on re-sit must pass unit
Shows that you did not pass a must-pass unit, after a re-sit attempt.
FS – Fail supplementary year on must pass unit
Shows that you did not pass a must-pass unit, after an attempt in a supplementary year.
Signals used on units and assessments where assessments have not been completed
The following signals are unit outcomes but also show on the relevant assessments which have not been completed. At unit level, these signals appear on your transcript.
PN – Pass not-withstanding
Shows that you are deemed to have passed the unit, because you have met the unit-level intended learning outcomes without having completed the full assessment. The signal will also appear on the assessments you did not complete. This is used where either:
- exceptional circumstances have prevented you from completing all assessment, or
- some elements of assessment have not been available.
RY – Repeat Year
As a unit outcome, shows that you have been given an opportunity to repeat the year without completing the assessment for the unit. The signal will also appear on the assessments you did not complete.
SU – Suspended studies
You suspended your studies and have not yet completed this unit. The signal will show on any assessments which you have not attempted, and the unit itself.
UA – Unassessed
Shows that you were not required to take an assessment on a unit. The signal will also appear on the assessments you were not required to complete.
WD – Withdrawn from the University
You withdrew and did not complete this unit. The signal will show on any assessments you did not attempt, and the unit itself.