Academic advice
Talk to someone as soon as you can so we can help and support you.
Assessment support
Exceptional circumstances, coursework deadline extensions and absence from teaching and exams.
Exam board outcomes
How to view your assessment and unit results and what the different programme outcomes mean.
Make an academic appeal
How to appeal against an academic decision.
Academic integrity
Understand what is meant by plagiarism, collusion and contract cheating and how to avoid it in your work.
Transfer to a different course
What to do if you are thinking of changing to a different programme of study.
Transfer to a different university
What to do if you are thinking of transferring from Bristol to another university or college.
Withdraw from your studies
What to do if you are thinking of withdrawing from your studies.
Suspend your studies
What you need to do to suspend your studies.
Returning students
Register for the new academic year; important updates as you return to the University.
Research ethics review
How to apply for a research ethics review if you are doing a research project.
Student rules and regulations
Regulations and codes of practice for undergraduate and postgraduate students.