
If we find that items in your residence have been damaged or misused, we will need to replace the item or redecorate the property. You may be charged for damage you have caused.

This includes damage caused by you or your guests, either deliberately or due to negligence, that goes beyond normal wear and tear. It also includes damage caused by sticking anything to the walls.

If the damage is in a communal area, like the kitchen, everyone living in the flat, corridor or block may be charged.


Charges for damage will vary according to cost of carrying out the work, as well as any costs for materials. If charges have been applied, we will email you the details and the charges will be added to your account.

You have the right to appeal against any charge. You can do this by contacting the facilities manager for your residence.

Reporting damage

If you break or damage something in your residence you need to report it to us. This will give us the opportunity to repair it.

If you don't tell us, it will be discovered at the end of your tenancy. You may be charged for the repair at that point as an end of tenancy charge.

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