Council tax exemptions

Full-time students in University-allocated accommodation are automatically exempt from paying council tax. If you live in private rented accommodation or elsewhere, you may need to apply for an exemption.


Find out who qualifies as a full-time student under Bristol City Council's criteria. 

If your tenancy start date is before your course start date, you will not be counted as a full-time student for the period in between those dates and you could be liable to pay council tax for that period.

The same applies if your course ends before the last day of your tenancy.

Living in halls of residence

You are automatically exempt from paying council tax and do not need to do anything if you live in halls of residence.

Living in private rented accommodation (or own home) in the Bristol City Council area

You must apply for an exemption on the Bristol City Council website

If everyone in your household is a full-time student, you will not have to pay council tax. You still need to apply for an exemption.

If only some people are full-time students, you will have to pay but may be eligible for a discount.

Living in private rented accommodation outside of the Bristol City Council area

You must apply for an exemption with your local authority and provide a letter to prove your student status.  

Study abroad students

Those studying full-time can apply for an exemption. You should state your home university and the University of Bristol when applying so the Council knows which institution to contact with questions.

You will need to provide a letter to the Council, confirming the details of your programme of study, including start and end dates. Request a bespoke letter from Student Services. 

Postgraduate research students (PGR)

If you are a postgraduate research student, you do not need to pay council tax whilst writing your thesis. Once you have submitted your thesis, you are no longer exempt from paying council tax.

Received a bill in error

If you are exempt from paying council tax and receive a bill in error, apply for an exemption on the local authority website. 

Change in circumstances

Part-time students

Part-time students are not generally eligible for council tax exemptions.

There may be exceptions if you are on a full-time course but have reduced hours for certain reasons such as ill health. If you have a question about your eligibility contact Student Services (

Suspended studies

If you have suspended your studies for an agreed period, you may still be eligible for a council tax exemption depending on your circumstances during your suspension.

You will need to apply for an exemption to your local authority and provide a letter from the University that includes the details of your course or programme, and suspension agreement.

You can request a bespoke letter from Student Services.

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