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Starting Hot Potatoes - Options and The Masher

You will need to have a computer with Hot Potato installed or download it for free from . Once available open the Hot Potato screen.

When opening HotPotatoes 6 you are presented with a bewildering array of abbreviated words and options. Each abbreviation leads to a different interface for creating different types of quiz. They are used as follows -

JQuiz Multiple Choice Questions
Short Answer Questions
Hybrid (mix of above) question
Multi Select Question
JCloze Gap-fill exercises
JMatch Matching Exercise
JMix Jumble word in Sentence
Jumble letters in word
JCross Crossword exercises

The Masher is an additional section of the Hot Potatoes software where you can customise outputs of the Hot Potatoes or insert non Hot Potatoes content such as media files. When opened from either the original menu or through its own .exe file you will be greeted by this screen -

This is the file managing system where you can link and order different Hot Potatoes outputs you have made.

You can output a set of exercises together as a package that coherently tests an individuals knowledge set. This is managed within this screen and is intuitive and easy to constructing unit architecture.

To alter the appearance of the output to fit house style select the appearance tab. The interface will look like this -

The colours are coded in HEX colour palette and for advice on the codes of the University of Bristol please refer to this section of the University of Bristol website.

You can preview your output from this screen to ensure it maintains a coherent visual identity.