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To Insert an embedded Popup in Word 2007:

  1. Type the text that you want to appear in the Popup window.
  2. Place your cursor at the beginning of the text.
  3. Click the Insert tab.

  1. Click Bookmark in the Links area. The Bookmark window opens.

  1. Type a name for the bookmark that corresponds with the Popup in the Bookmark name field (this text will not be visible in your course output).

  1. Click Add. A bookmark is inserted into your document.

  1. Select all of the text that you want to be included in your Popup (including the bookmark).
  2. Apply the cgPopup style to the selected text.

  1. Type the desired text for the Popup link where you want it to appear in your document.
  2. Select the link text.
  3. Click the Insert tab (if it is not already selected).

  1. Click Hyperlink in the Links area. The Insert Hyperlink window opens.

  1. Click Place in This Document.

  1. Select the bookmark you created in step 6.
  2. Click OK. The hyperlink to the popup is inserted into your document.

You can define the size of an old-style Popup by adding size tags to the text that contains the cgPopup style.

If you want to define the exact size (in pixels) of the Popup, type the desired dimensions on separate lines (within the cgPopup area) and then apply the Width and Height tags to the numbers.

If you want to set an approximate size for the Popup, use either the Small, Medium, or Big tags. The default size for old-style Popups is small. The Size tags are located in the Size menu of the Wimba Create Tags area. All tags must be inserted on separate lines.