Data derived from biological resources

Many assays from blood, urine and saliva are available to be explored and data has been released in the standard way - see our explore page for more details.

We also we hold a number of larger omics datasets as summarised in the table below.

Available Omics datasets

What Who Dataset name Max n* Array/Panel


[Mean age (yrs)]

N. of variants**


Illumina 660 quad G0 mothers  gwa_660_g0m 8654 Illumina 660 quad   467540
Illumina exome core array G0 partners  gwa_exome_g0p 2198 Illumina exome core array   507586
Illumina 550 quad G1 gwa_550_g1 8224 Illumina 550 quad   500527
HapMap2 imputed G0 mothers gi_hapmap2_g0m 8124 Illumina 550 quad + HapMap2 reference panel   2543887
G1 gi_hapmap2_g1 8224  
1000G imputed G0 mothers gi_1000g_g0m_g1 8654 Illumina 660 quad + HapMap2 reference pane   28699484
G1 8797 Illumina 550 quad + 1000 genomes reference panel  
G0 partners*** gi_1000g_g0p 2198 (477 Mothers, 1721 Partners) Illumina exome core array + 1000 genomes reference panel   27488189
HRC imputed G0 mothers gi_hrc_g0m_g1 8654 Illumina 660 quad + Haplotype Reference Consortium panel   41573213
G1 8797 Illumina 550 quad + Haplotype Reference Consortium panel   41573213
CNV G1 cnv_550_g1 7450 Illumina 550 quad   147899 unfiltered, 41628 filtered
Whole genome sequencing G1 wgs_hiseq_g1 1865 Illumina HiSeq platform   44496022
Whole exome sequencing G1 wes_novaseq_g1 3000 Illumina NovaSeq platform    2965032
Whole exome sequencing G0 & G1 wes_novaseq_g0_g1 11650 Illumina NovaSeq platform   3760200
Gene expression  G1  ge_ht12_g1

 879 (molgenis), 994 (raw), 947 (bryois)

 Illumina Human HT-12 v3 bead array    48630 gene expression probe values
450k G0 mothers





Infinium HumanMethylation450 BeadChip Antenatal [28.7y] 483068


Focus on Mothers 1 [46.9y] 483068
G1 905 Cord blood [Birth] 483068
83 Children in Focus 43m [3.6y] 483068
33 Children in Focus 61m [5.2y] 483068
969 Focus@7 [7.5y] 483068
361 Focus@9 [9.8y] 483068
958 Teen focus 3/4 [17.1y] 483068
G0 partners 554 Focus on Fathers [53.3y] 483068
EPIC G1   1899 Infinium MethylationEPIC v1.0 Teen focus 3/4 [17.8y] 857808
  822 Focus@24 [24.4y] 857808

* subject to change due to withdrawal of consents etc.

** number of variants present in released version of dataset, subject to change

*** also contains G0 mothers that were genotyped alongside the partners

More detailed information about these can be accessed here:  Omics Data Catalogue

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