Publish your research
If you are publishing a paper, monograph, or book chapter based on research approved by the ALSPAC Executive Committee, you will need to download and complete our ALSPAC publications checklist (PDF, 358kB) before submitting your manuscript for publication. Please email your completed form and draft manuscript to for approval by the ALSPAC Executive Committee.
If you intend to use ALSPAC data in a presentation, we should be grateful if you could please include our ALSPAC presentation slide (Office document, 2,569kB) at the end of your presentation, as it includes details of how researchers and collaborators can get involved in future ALSPAC data collection.
Grant acknowledgements
We have standard wording that must be included in all publications to acknowledge our core funding:
“The UK Medical Research Council and Wellcome (Grant ref: 217065/Z/19/Z) and the University of Bristol provide core support for ALSPAC. This publication is the work of the authors and <INSERT NAMES> will serve as guarantors for the contents of this paper.”
In addition, you are expected to acknowledge the grant(s) which supported the collection of the primary exposure(s) and outcome(s) used in your study and any other grants in the checklist, which are pertinent to your study. The following sentences should be included with the above section:
“A current list of grants funding (PDF, 330KB) is available on the ALSPAC website. This research was specifically funded by <INSERT DETAILS FOR SPECIFIC PROJECT(S) WHERE APPROPRIATE, including grant number(s)>.”
We have provided a table of grants for data collected since 2006 (PDF, 330KB) . Please consult this and ensure all grants are acknowledged. If you can’t find the specific grant for the data you have used in the table please email who will try and assist. If the collection is not listed or there are any errors then please let us know.
Submit a research proposal
Our new, improved online proposal system is now available.
Please note, if you need access to an EXISTING proposal contact, do not click the link above
More details are available here: Changes to OPS