Research ethics

All new data collection studies conducted with the ALSPAC cohort require ethical approval. Applications for ethical approval must be developed with ALSPAC.

We will work with you to achieve effective participant involvement from our ALSPAC Participant and Public Advisory Panel (APPAP). We will ensure studies collecting biological samples have the appropriate consent and participant information to comply with the requirements of the Human Tissue Act.

Studies which do not involve human tissue, use of NHS premises or ionizing radiation should be submitted to the ALSPAC Ethics and Law Committee (ALEC).

For ethics-related queries, please email

Policies and supporting documentation

Submit a research proposal

Our new, improved online proposal system is now available.

More details are available here:  Changes to OPS

Consent and participant information summaries


Consent is implied by returning a completed postal questionnaire or submitting an online questionnnaire. 


The following documents detail all biological samples that have been collected from ALSPAC participants and collate the consent forms that were completed by participants, alongside the Participant Information Sheets (PIS) used at the time. The documents are split according to whether samples were collected before or after 1st September 2006, which is when the Human Tissue Act came into force. G0 mothers and fathers before 1st September 2006G0 mothers and fathers before 1st September 2006


Written consent is requested at the time of data collection when required. Please see the relevant data dictionary for further details.

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