Array Tomography

Array Tomography (AT) enables high resolution 3D imaging of biological samples that have been fixed, stained and embedded in resin. It is also applicable to other materials that can be sectioned using an ultramicrotome. AT can provide nanometre level ultrastructural information and samples are not destroyed in the process allowing for subsequent fluorescent staining.

The AT process requires a series of sequential sections to be prepared from the sample. The SEM then collects images of these sections. The resulting images can be segmented and reconstructed to provide 3D data.

New and existing equipment in the facility now enable a complete AT imaging pathway:

  • Leica EM TP Automated Tissue Processor provides consistent and safe EM sample processing.
  • Leica UC6 + UC7 Ultramicrotomes, used with a Diatom diamond histo knife allows preparation of serial section ribbons for AT.
  • Zeiss GeminiSEM 450/aSTEM detector provides high resolution imaging of prepared sections.
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