Walk-in access to library electronic resources

Row of old looking books floating on a white background.

This PC allows walk-in access to a range of electronic library resources for members of the public, and members of other institutions visiting the library. The selection of resources is dictated by publishers, and some content will not be available due to licensing agreements. These resources must not be used for commercial or business purposes.

Copyright law applies to e-resources.

Please remember to register at the Information Desk before use.

List of available resources

ACM Digital Library Journals Agreement 2021

Adam Matthew Digital Migration to New Worlds: perpetual access period

American Chemical Society Journals 

Annual Reviews - life, biomedical, physical, and social sciences journals

Brill journals - Asian Studies, Ancient Near East & Egypt, Biblical Studies & Religious Studies, Classical Studies, Medieval & Early Modern Studies, Middle East & Islamic Studies

Bristol University press ebooks and ejournals - social sciences and law

British Education Index

Cambridge Companions Online

Cambridge Core journals

Carl Giles Digital Archive - British cartoon archive

Cochrane Library - collection of databases in medicine and other healthcare specialties

Directory of Open Access Journals

Early English Books Online

Education Abstracts

Educational Resources Information Centre (ERIC)

Elgar Advanced Introductions to Law Online

Elsevier Reaxys - substance data, chemical reactions, bioactivity data, patents

Grove Art Online

Grove Music Online

Institute of Physics (IOP) Journals

Journal and Highly Cited Data - analytical tool offering data for ranking scientists, institutions, countries, and journals

JSTOR 19th Century British Pamphlets

Lyell Collection - geological journals and books

Manchester University Press ebooks multi disciplinary

MUP e-books: Manchester Political Studies Perpetual

OAPEN (open access books)

Oxford African American Studies Center - essays, images, maps, primary sources

Oxford Bibliographies Online

Oxford Dictionary of National Biography

Oxford English Dictionary

Oxford Journals - all disciplines

Oxford Research Encyclopedias

Oxford World Classics

ProQuest databases - multi disciplinary

ProQuest One Literature - Scholarly articles, reviews, books; primary texts, reference works

Public Information Online

Punctum Books - Open Access humanities books

Royal Society of Chemistry Journals

Sage Journals - humanities, social sciences, science, technical and medical journals

ScienceDirect - ebooks and ejournals, multi disciplinary

Scopus - multi-disciplinary abstract & citation database

Springer - ebooks and ejournals, multi disciplinary

Taylor and Francis Journals - all disciplines

Times Digital Archive

Who's who and who was who

Wiley Online Library - all disciplines

World Shakespeare Bibliography

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