Formal complaints and reporting hate crime

Formal complaint under the Staff Grievance Procedure

If the informal procedure set out in the Acceptable Behaviour Policy fails to resolve the concerns raised, or where because of the serious nature of the alleged behaviour the informal procedure is deemed to be inappropriate, you have the right to bring a formal complaint under the Staff Grievance Procedure.

Reporting a hate crime

We are aware that colleagues may experience unacceptable behaviours such as racism or sexual harassment both inside and outside of work, for example on public transport.  Hate incidents and hate crimes are acts of violence or hostility directed at people because of who they are or who someone thinks they are.  Something is a hate incident if the victim or anyone else think it was motivated by hostility or prejudice based on one of the following things:

Contact the police to report hate crime. You can:

Please talk to your line manager particularly if your work has been/is being affected.

Further support

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