Children of the Children of the 90s (COCO90s)

Some of our original Children of the 90s participants now have children of their own (Children of the Children of the 90s – or COCO90s for short), and we want to follow these pregnancies, births and babies. This is the only project we know of that provides scientists with information on three generations, allowing them to study important social and health issues.

If you or your partner are in Children of the 90s and are about to become, or are already, a parent, we'd love you, your partner and all your children to take part in COCO90s. It doesn’t matter how much or how little you have been involved in Children of the 90s in the past – this is a new opportunity to be involved in ground-breaking research.

How to enrol

To enrol your child please call or text COCO90WEB and your name and date of birth to 07772 102649 or email and someone will call you back for a chat.

You're doing something for science and are involved in new discoveries. It makes you feel a bit valuable. And it's good for the kids to be involved from an early age so they can look back and say I was a part of it and did help in a small way.

Sara (COCO90s mum)
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