Inclusion at Children of the 90s
Our commitment to inclusion
Children of the 90s wants all participants to feel welcomed, valued and respected within the study. The better Children of the 90s reflects the city and region we serve, the better our research informs policy and practice.
Equality & diversity
Inclusivity is important for our research and we work hard to embed diversity and inclusion into all that we do. In particular, we want to ensure that no one finds it harder to participate in Children of the 90s based on their sex, gender, age, ethnicity or socio-economic position.
One way we do this is by carrying out research to better understand what barriers there are to participating in our research. Please read more about this here: Children of the 90s Engagement Report Dec 2023 (PDF, 462kB). Following this, we now offer Citizens Advice appointments in our clinic and home or virtual clinic visits for participants who are unable to come to Bristol.
How we support gender identity
Our staff are committed to gender awareness and inclusion and will never discriminate against participants because of their gender identity. If a study participant informs us they are trans or non-binary, it is the responsibility of all staff within the study to treat this information confidentially. Our team is here to help and will be discreet and respectful of your wishes.
It is important to us that we use your name, gender, title and pronouns correctly. We can amend your records so that we address you in the correct manner. To let us know that you have changed your name, gender and/or pronouns, please contact us at Children of the 90s is committed to complying with the Data Protection Act 2018 and the Equality Act 2010, in order to safeguard the privacy and safety of our participants.
Our clinic is wheelchair accessible and we are happy to arrange for British Sign Language interpreters if English isn’t your first language and large print materials for participants. We also hold quiet days, where lights and noise is kept down and fewer people are around.
Who to contact
If you have any questions relating to our inclusion policy and practices, please contact and we will get back to you as soon as possible.