Keeping safe online

Cyber criminals often target students for financial gain or to steal their personal information.

We are committed to keeping you safe online through robust security to help protect our staff and students. 

However, the main defence is being aware and following some simple steps to keep safe online.  

Here are some simple tips that can make a big difference to help keep you, your data and your devices (such as your mobile phone, laptop or tablet) secure. 

Top tips 

  • Take the Cyber Aware action plan from the National Cyber Security Centre to protect your information.
  • Take your time when you read: be aware of scams and phishing messages.
  • Click with caution: hover over links in messages to check the URL before you click them.
  • Delete suspicious or strange messages and report them to IT Services.
  • Switch on auto-update on your phone, laptop and other devices.
  • Make sure you update your operating systems regularly.
  • Install and run anti-virus software.
  • Set up two-step verification or multi-factor authentication on your online accounts.
  • Use a different password for each of your accounts and use a password manager.
  • Use OneDrive or SharePoint wherever possible to save or share University work.

Multi-factor authentication (MFA)

Once you have the username and password for your University of Bristol online account, you will be asked to set up multi-factor authentication to access University services. 

Multi-factor authentication adds an extra layer of security by using an additional method to verify who you are when you sign in, such as an app on your smart phone. You may be using MFA already when doing online banking or online shopping.

Extra resources

  • Protect yourself online (SharePoint) 
    Advice from us on identity theft, creating strong passwords, how to avoid giving away your personal details online and safe online shopping.
  • Action Fraud
    The UK's national reporting centre for fraud and cybercrime where you should report fraud if you have been scammed, defrauded or experienced cyber crime.
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