
You can get advice and prescriptions for contraception in a routine appointment with our practice nurses. You do not need to see a doctor. 

Contraception, what are my choices?

Nurses at Students' Health are trained to discuss your contraception choices. Book in with our nurses to help you choose the right contraception for you.

These websites can help you choose the right contraception:

  • NHS Contraception for sensible advice on everything from STIs, sex, contraception, pregnancy and more.
  • Unity Sexual Health for information on all forms of contraception, sexually transmitted infections (STIs), free condoms if you are aged 13-19 years and more.

Renewing your existing contraception prescription 

You may already have contraception prescribed by your home doctor. You will need to see one of our nurses for this to be reviewed and placed on prescription for you here at Student Health. You can also speak to a pharmacist directly under the "Pharmacy First " scheme, for example at Cotham Pharmacy

Find a pharmacy that offers the contraceptive pill without a prescription

Do not wait until your prescription has run out as a same day prescription may not always be available.

Coils and implants

If you are considering a coil (IUD/Intrauterine Device) or a contraceptive implant (Nexplanon) make a pre-fit counselling appointment with Dr Goodfellow, Dr Jordan, Dr Mobbs, Dr Rumble, Dr Shahid, Dr Guest, or Dr Murray. Contact reception to do this.

Emergency contraception

If you need emergency contraception it is important you are seen as soon as possible as it is more effective if taken within 24 hours.

  • You can get the emergency contraceptive pill over the counter from your local pharmacy (free of charge if you are under 25)
  • Make an appointment with your a nurse or doctor - please let reception staff know that you need to be seen the same day/urgently.
  • Go to your local sexual health centre.


Free condoms are available from Student Health in our waiting room.

Unplanned pregnancy

If you have an unplanned pregnancy and wish to discuss your options then please book an appointment with a doctor.

If you wish to seek a termination of pregnancy (abortion) you can self refer to the local service here in Bristol.

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