Building access control

Standard access

Once a building has been fitted with new UCard readers, all staff will be able to access all main entrance doors, which are not considered high risk, between 8am and 6pm, Monday to Friday.  High risk areas include plant rooms and some buildings by the nature of the activities that take place within them.  Similarly, all students will be able to access all main entrance doors, which are not considered high risk, between 8am and 6pm, Monday to Friday.

The main entrance door is typically where there is a staffed reception point, although there are some exceptions to this.

Non-standard access

If you require access to buildings outside of the standard hours, or access to high-risk areas, which you don't have already, contact your UCard Administrator.  If you need access in an emergency out of hours, please contact the security control room on (0117 92) 87848 (all calls to this number will be recorded for security purposes) where security staff may be able to escort you to and from your destination (operational commitments permitting).

If you need access to a building(s) which is outside your department/faculty/division, please complete a request to extend building access form (Office document, 42kB) (Word doc. 41KB) and email to the relevant UCard Administrator(s) for them to approve and extend your access privileges. For those staff who need University-wide access, this needs to be requested via Security Services at .

Updating access control rights

Access control expiry dates are linked to data held in the MyERP (staff) or SITS (students) systems.  If you have a problem using your UCard it may have become inactive because the system expiry date has passed.  Students should contact their department or check course end dates on; staff should contact their local personnel office.  Any changes to fixed term appointments, or course extensions, can only be processed by administrators for the SITS and MyERP systems.