Information Security

Paul Smith
Director of Campus Operations, Campus Division, 1-9 Old Park Hill
Bristol, BS2 8BB


Subject: Information Security

Dear colleague,

From time to time there are unfortunate incidents at the University that Security Services respond to. The type of incidents vary from serious criminal offences involving staff or students through to intelligence received.  Incident reports are sent via email to a distribution list. In the past the distribution list has not been tightly controlled and any member of staff can request Security Services to include them on a list.

Security Services in discussion with the Secretary’s Office, specifically the Information Governance Manager, have identified the previous process as having a weakness of needlessly sharing confidential data.The distribution of incident reports specifically relating to criminal activity and student/staff welfare will therefore be restricted.

The information within the incident reports will be shared as required and in accordance with the University Information’s security policy.

Incident reports relating to Health & Safety, intelligence or property specific incident will continue to be distributed to those with specific responsibilities. 

Requests to be added to distribution lists will need to positively confirm compliance with information security policy and provide a sound reason based on organisational responsibility. Please submit requests to Security Services.

Further advice and information on the policy including online training can be found here.


Paul Smith

Director of Campus Operations, Campus Division