Security Services offer the following services:
Security Officers are required to be able to analyse, record and document all incidents as and when they happen. This requires concise and accurate information to be relayed to Control Room Operators in order to generate necessary reports. As part of this, Officers are able to conduct security investigations where necessary to ensure accurate reporting of incidents.
Officers work within the dedicated Control Room year round 24hrs a day, whilst conforming to SIA licensing and the Data Protection Act. Responsibilities in this environment are vast, and require in-depth knowledge of the University as a whole, with training for this taking up to a year to be deemed fully competent. Within this context Officers are able to manage alarm/fire response, Proactivley monitor CCTV of the University Estate and implement the Incident and Crisis Management Framework wherever necessary. The Control Room in particular is a high stress environment; Officers are trained to manage a large volume of incoming traffic (Via Telephone, Radio Communications and Emergency contact from Staff or Students) at any one time and work in a team of two. The ability to record and disseminate information in real time is paramount in order to generate accurate security reports wherever possible and distribute Officers on the ground as needed.
Operationally Officers on the ground are the first port of call for all staff and students with any Security related inquiries. Furthermore, Officers are trained to deal professionally with victims of Crime relaying all important information to relevant parties and the Emergency Services. Individuals victim to alcohol/drug misuse are handled appropriately with special care paid to those with underlying mental health issues. Security Officers will provide assistance to Students out of hours with regards to noise pollution, lock outs, enforcement of the University Drugs policy, and proactively patrol to provide a safe and secure environment in and around student accommodation. This ensures the student and staff experience remains intact. We take the safety and security of our Students and Staff seriously. Security Officers observe and detain those who have committed crime or anti-social behaviour with crime scenes appropriately preserved and audited without contamination. Security will, in the first instance, be first responders to any security related incident, emergency or adverse event. Using Fire Alarms as an example, in working hour’s security assist in fire searches, building evacuation and liaise with Fire Marshalls and facilities/maintenance staff. Out of hour’s activations see Security taking full responsibility and control of sites, managing effective evacuation, and fire search/alarm resolution. Whilst this is carried out, the Control Room Operator or Duty Supervisor will distribute incident details to the relevant parties following the Incident and Crisis Management Framework.
A commitment to continuous improvement exits within the department. Security Officers are some of the best trained staff in their field of work. Officers are trained in the following; First Aid at work, Conflict Management, Cardiopulmonary Resuscitation and Automated External Defibrillation Skills, UOB Fire Safety Awareness/Fire Extinguisher, Lawful and Ethical use of CCTV, Working as a CCTV Operator, Practical Operation of CCTV Equipment, Working in the Private Security Industry, Pollution Prevention-Emergency Spill Response. Ongoing refresher training takes place to ensure best possible practice and the utmost in professional conduct.