Dr Lucy Prior

Senior Research Associate 


  • Multilevel modelling
  • School performance measures, league tables
  • Health geography
  • Neighbourhood deprivation
  • Biosocial

Biography and research interests

I am a Senior Research Associate, currently Principal Investigator on an ESRC New Investigator grant looking at intersectional variation in UK health and education outcomes, where I will be exploring biosocial pathways for the development of inequalities within and between generations. Previously I was Co-Investigator on an ESRC secondary data analysis initiative grant looking at the 2020 GCSE and A-level 'exam grades fiasco' and also worked on an ESRC Standard grant on new school league table research and methods for measuring school performance. I am also interested in using biosocial geography to explore health and education inequalities, and have previously investigated relationships of neighbourhood deprivation with overall health and wellbeing, as well as health pathways related to stress exposure. My research employs quantitative techniques, such as multilevel modelling, mediation analysis and regression techniques.

Journal articles and book chapters

  1. Prior, L. and Leckie, G. (2024). Student intersectional sociodemographic and school variation in GCSE final grades in England following Covid-19 examination cancellationsOxford Review of Education, p.1–22.
  2. Prior, L., Evans, C.R., Merlo, J., & Leckie, G. (2024). Sociodemographic inequalities in student achievement: An intersectional multilevel analysis of individual heterogeneity and discriminatory accuracy (MAIHDA)Sociology of Race and Ethnicity, p.1-19.
  3. Prior, L. and Leckie, G. (2023). School differences on whether and where students apply to university. British Journal of Sociology of Education. 44(7), p.1161–1181.
  4. Prior, L. and Leckie, G. (2022) Student mobility: extent, impacts, and predictors of a range of movement types for secondary school students in EnglandBritish Educational Research Journal, p.1-22. 
  5. Prior, L., Jerrim, J., Thomson, D. and Leckie, G. (2021) A review and evaluation of secondary school accountability in England: Statistical strengths, weaknesses, and challenges for 'Progress 8' raised by COVID-19Review of Education, 9(e3299), 1-30. 
  6. Prior, L. (2021) Allostatic load and exposure histories of disadvantageInternational Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, 18(4), p.1-17.
  7. Prior, L., Goldstein, H., and Leckie, G. (2021) School value-added models for multivariate academic and non-academic outcomes: exploring implications for performance monitoring and accountabilitySchool Effectiveness and School Improvement, Ahead-of-print, p.1-22.
  8. Prior, L., Jones, K., and Manley, D. (2020) Ageing and cohort trajectories in mental ill-health: An exploration using multilevel modelsPLoS ONE, 15(7), p.1-14.
  9. Prior, L., Manley, D., and Jones, K. (2018) Stressed out? An investigation of whether allostatic load mediates associations between neighbourhood deprivation and health, Health and Place, 52, p.25-33.
  10. Prior, L., Manley, D., and Sabel, C. (2018) Biosocial health geography: New 'exposomic' geographies of health and place, Progress in Human Geography, 43(3), p.531-552.
  11. Prior, L. & Manley, D. (2017) Poverty and health: thirty years of progress?, Poverty and social exclusion in the UK: Volume 2 - The dimensions of disadvantage . Bramley, G. & Bailey, N. (eds.). Bristol: Policy Press, p.203-224.
Image of Lucy Prior
Lucy Prior
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