Delay public access to your dissertation (thesis)
How to request a delay in public access to a part or all of your dissertation.
You may request to delay the public release of your dissertation. The library provides guidance on potential reasons for making a request.
You must upload the final version of your dissertation to the library, even if you want or have an approved deferral or redaction decision.
A deferral means that the library will hold back your entire dissertation from public access for an agreed time frame.
Redactions mean that the library holds back specific parts of your dissertation for an agreed time frame. The rest will be publicly available.
Deferral and redaction requests are governed by the public access to dissertations regulations in section 24 of the PGR code.
Request to defer or redact your dissertation
- Discuss deferral or redaction requests with your main supervisor.
- Complete the request to defer access to a research degree dissertation form (Office document, 74kB).
If there are contractual, security, or safety obligations, the main supervisor can make the request directly.
Extend the deferral or redaction time frame
If a deferral or redactions have been granted, you can request an extension by completing the Request to extend a deferral period (Office document, 52kB) form.
You may request an extension if you are the:
- (former) student
- main supervisor, or
- sponsor.