Postgraduate Research stipends

How to set up and receive your postgraduate research stipend. What to do if there are changes to your programme.

Set up your stipend

Whether you are a new starter or continuing student, your stipend payment will be set up automatically. You will be notified about this by email.

Payments for the 2024/25 academic year will be set up by mid-September 2024. If your funding is due to continue, you will be notified by email when this has been set up.

If you have any questions, contact the School or Faculty's PGR Administration Office.

Receive your stipend

To get your stipend, you must:

Stipend payments are made via BACS transfer to your nominated UK bank account.

International students

If you are an international student, you need to set up a UK bank account to receive your stipend.

When to expect your stipend

Stipends are paid in advance on the first day of each month.

If this falls on a weekend or bank holiday, you will be paid on the last working day of the previous month.

If your programme start date is in September, your first payment will be for the month of October. Any unfunded days for September will be paid to you in the last month of your PhD.

Payment schedules

If you pay rent in quarterly instalments, you could receive your stipend in quarterly instalments. To arrange this, email

If you need a letter to confirm the stipend you will receive this academic year, email

Change of circumstances

Any changes to your study programme, could impact the amount of funding you get. Changes that affect your funding could include:

  • suspending your studies
  • extending your studies
  • changing your mode of attendance
  • withdrawing from your studies
  • early completion of your studies.

If you have any questions about a change of circumstance, contact your supervisor or faculty administration team.


It can take several weeks for a change of circumstance to be reflected in your funding amounts. This can lead to an overpayment of your stipend.

Our PG Funding team will notify you by email if this happens.

You will be required to return any overpayments.

You must talk with your supervisor or school so they can advise you about the financial implications.

Expenses and consumables

If there is a Research Training Support Grant (RTSG) attached to the studentship, contact your faculty administration team. They can provide information on how to use these funds.

Tuition Fees

If you have questions about your tuition fees or other programme costs, contact your School or Faculty’s PGR Administration Office.

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