Supporting documents
You need to submit supporting documents for exceptional circumstances, extensions, a suspension request and (for IFP students only) missing a class. This includes medical documents and other types of acceptable documents.
On this page:
You need to provide supporting documents when you submit:
- an exceptional circumstances request
- a coursework extension request
- an extension of studies request (PGT)
- a suspension request
- an academic appeal
Exceptional circumstances, extension requests and suspension requests
Schools will not normally accept a request for exceptional circumstances or grant coursework extension requests if documents are not provided.
If you are in a distressing situation and cannot provide documents your school office can put you in touch with the senior tutor.
If you are requesting to suspend on medical grounds, you need to submit supporting medical documents. If you request to suspend on other grounds, check with your school if supporting documents are required.
Postgraduate research students
Postgraduate research students do not have access to senior tutors. If you are a PGR student, you should contact your supervisor or PGR school director.
Academic appeals
You need to submit documents to support the claims or issues outlined in your appeal form:
- The documents may confirm dates and times or account for the circumstances mentioned.
- Documents should be clearly labelled and referenced in the appeal form.
Appeals based on exceptional circumstances
When appealing based on exceptional circumstances (ground b), you must provide:
- an explanation of why you could not submit the circumstances form by the deadline.
- documents of the illness or factor affecting your performance.
For example, a GP letter showing an illness is not sufficient to explain why you did not engage with the process at the appropriate time.
International Foundation Programme (IFP) students
You might be asked to provide documents that support the reason(s) and dates you stated on the absence report form.
We will not consider justification from an employer or any paid work as a valid reason for absence. If you have any questions, contact your IFP support team.
Types of documents
Documents should be:
- independent and detailed as possible. Photos of injuries or procedures are not acceptable and should not be submitted.
- timely to the affected assessment where possible. However, you can refer to previously submitted documents where they are still relevant.
Documents originally in another language must include an independently certified translation to English. Documents will not normally be accepted without the English translation.
If the document relates to or concerns another person, you must get their explicit permission before submitting the documents.
Medical documents
Examples may include:
- a letter from a medical practitioner
- patients of the Student Health Service can email
- prescription for medication or treatment
- record of online or phone consultation with NHS 111
- hospital appointment or discharge letter
For ongoing conditions, you may be able to use previously submitted documents. Speak to your school if you are unsure what documents are required.
Only approach your GP or doctor if you have an ongoing situation which needs treatment.
Documents that will not be accepted:
- photos or other images of injuries or medical procedures
- a doctor's statement that you have reported a condition retrospectively
- medical documents which only confirm that you have reported an earlier medical condition
Short term illness
Doctors will only provide documents if your illness is ongoing and needs treatment. Medical notes are not normally issued for conditions of less than a week.
Victim of crime
If you have been a victim of a crime, you may provide a police incident report form and crime reference number.
Victim of sexual violence
If you have experienced sexual violence, you do not need to tell us what happened, but there may be other forms of documentation you can provide. Some examples of this include a supporting letter from:
- a Sexual Violence Liaison Officer (SVLO)
- a Sexual Assault Referral Centre (such as The Bridge)
- an Independent Sexual Violence Adviser (ISVA)
- or another professional support
We do not typically request documents for a bereavement of a close family member or friend. But we do reserve the right to do so. This could be a:
- death certificate
- or copy of the funeral order of service
Counselling service
The Student Wellbeing Service, Residential Life, and Student Counselling Service do not provide supporting letters to individual students.
However, correspondence with a counselling service may be submitted as supporting documents instead. This can include:
- offers of appointments
- requests to complete questionnaires before appointments
- or emails with referral or self-help suggestions
If you do not have copies of your email correspondence with the Student Counselling Service for the time you are requesting mitigations to be made, email to obtain these documents.
Drastic life changes
If you have experienced a significant change in:
- employment or job demands
- living arrangements
- childcare
A letter or email from the following can be submitted to prove this:
- an employer
- accommodation agency/ landlord
- your child’s (or other dependent’s) school
Study support plan
A recommendation or consideration for a specific action within a study support plan may be used as supporting documents.
Problem during the exam
An exam incident report submitted by the Exams Office or school (rather than by you).
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