Request a coursework extension

How to request a coursework extension if you are unable to meet one or more coursework due dates.

Coursework covers written assignments due sometime in the future.

Exams, timed assessments and practical assessments (presentations, lab-based practicals) are different to coursework, so extensions are not available.

If you are unwell, or there is another reason why you are unable to meet a due date, you can request an extension.

You should plan your work so that your submission is not delayed by short-term circumstances, such as minor illness.

It is always best to submit your work on time to avoid falling behind on other deadlines.

Who can submit

  • Undergraduate students
  • Postgraduate taught students
  • Postgraduate research students taking taught units.

When to request a coursework extension

The deadline for the submission of an extension request is 48 hours before the coursework submission deadline.

If the extension request deadline has passed, read the guidance on exceptional circumstances.

Work to your current due date until the school has approved an extension.

How to request an extension

If you are a student in one of the following schools:

  • Bristol Medical School (undergraduate programmes excluding intercalated)
  • Bristol Veterinary School (BVSc programmes)

contact your school to request an extension.

All other students should use the coursework extension form.

Complete the form

Be clear and concise but explain fully why your ability to submit your work by the due date has been affected.

  • Enter your requested extension date.
  • Only requests for extensions of up to seven days will normally be considered. Speak to your school first if you feel your circumstances may mean you need a longer extension.

  • Only assessments eligible for an extension request are listed in the form. If you are unsure why your assessment does not appear, contact the school that owns the unit.

You need to submit a separate form for each extension requested.

Complete the form

Uploading evidence

When possible, submit your supporting evidence when you submit your request.

Photos of injuries or procedures are not acceptable and should not be submitted.

If you need to gather evidence, you have until 4 calendar days after the coursework submission deadline to submit. It is your responsibility to ensure that all evidence is submitted using the online form and by the deadline. You will not be permitted to submit evidence after this deadline.

Extension requests without evidence will normally be rejected and late penalties will apply where appropriate.

You can upload up to 5 documents with file types JPEG, JPG or PDF.

You cannot remove files from the submission once uploaded so make sure you select the correct documents.

To upload evidence

  1. Select Browse and Upload evidence:
  • To upload a file from your computer:
    1. Select Browse for file
    2. Select a JPEG, JPG or PDF file
    3. Select Open
    4. File status will show as Awaiting upload
    5. Enter a Name for the file
    6. Enter a Keyword for the file from the list at the top of the page
    7. Select Upload
    8. Check the file status is Successfully uploaded.
  • To use evidence already uploaded:
    1. Select My documents
    2. Select View to download and view the evidence before you select it
    3. Select Select to add the evidence to your submission
    4. File status will show as Awaiting upload
    5. Select Upload
    6. Check the file status is Successfully uploaded.

2. When you have uploaded all your evidence, check the file status is Successfully uploaded for all files.

3. Select Close.

4. Select I have uploaded all the evidence related to this request in the Confirmation field.

5. Select Next.

To upload evidence later

  1. Select I would like to submit evidence at a later date in the Confirmation field.
  2. Select Next.
  3. The deadline for submission of evidence will be displayed to you (always four calendar days from the coursework due date). It will also be confirmed via email.
  4. Once you are ready to submit evidence, re-open the Assessment extensions task.
  5. Under the Existing submissions header, select the Add evidence button next to the relevant submission. When the evidence deadline submission has passed, you will no longer be permitted to add evidence.
  6. To upload evidence, follow the steps outlined above and submit your form.

Read the guidance on supporting evidence.

What happens next

Your extension request will be reviewed by the school that owns the unit. You will receive an email either:

  • approving your request and confirming your new due date
  • declining your request for an extension.

If you submit your extension request close to the deadline date or choose to submit your evidence later, you may not receive the outcome before the coursework deadline has passed. The original coursework deadline will continue to apply until the school has approved the extension. 

Late penalties will apply to you if you submit coursework after the deadline and the extension request is rejected. 

If your extension request is declined

You should submit your work by the original due date or as soon as you can. Work submitted after the due date will receive a late penalty which reduces the mark for the assessment depending on how long after the due date it is handed in. Read the University regulations on penalties.

View your assessment due dates

The assessment due date on Blackboard will not change if you have been given an extension. Check your assessment due dates including extended due dates in eVision.

Blackboard automatically marks anything submitted after the original deadline as 'late', but this will not affect your mark if you have submitted on or before your extended deadline.

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