Sports massage

Sports massage is the manipulation and stretching of muscle and connective tissues for the purpose of enhancing functions of the body such as movement and performance.

Opening information

The Clinic is open:
Monday for Sports Nutrition
Monday, Tuesday, Thursday and Friday for Osteopathy 
Monday, Tuesday and Thursday for Physiotherapy
Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday for Massage
Contact us - to book

Why might you need a massage?

When a muscle feels tight, tender, weak or painful it is a sign that it's congested. Muscle that is congested does not function at its full potential and will hold you back in carrying out a specific task, be it athletic performance or a day-to-day activity.

Neck and shoulder massage can relieve common ailments such as work/exam tension, poor posture from desk/screen work, or as a general way to look after yourself. Deep tissue sports massage can help to decongest and improve the condition of the muscle, which will alleviate the symptom.

Sports massage can help everybody

Sports massage is not only for sports people! Anyone who is experiencing everyday levels of strain and stress will benefit. Deep tissue massage releases muscular congestion and pain, aids the lymphatic system, improves circulation and enhances the functional quality of muscle tissue.

How do muscles become congested?

  • frequent or intense training
  • everyday use leading to general stiffness
  • inefficient and incorrect use of the body
  • postural imbalances
  • previous injury or trauma
  • under-developed/over-developed muscle.

If you are an athlete there is no doubt that sports massage will have an enormous impact on your performance. Its unique advantages are prevention of injury, controlling repetitive strain and overuse syndromes.

Regular treatment allows you to train to your full potential and recover optimally. Sports massage will help you by ensuring your muscles are in peak condition to allow you to perform to your best ability. 

Tailored massage treatments

We now offer two tailored massage options.  These are focused on specific needs and are available in shorter appointment times and reduced cost. 

  • Neck & Shoulder Massage - focused on neck and shoulders to aid tension/impingement in this area.
  • Runner Maintenance Massage - focused on lower body primarily, to support those starting, returning to, or maintaining regular running.

Pricing and appointment information

Have used the Sports Medicine Clinic over the years for various injuries over the years. Excellent.

Patient feedback, 2023

Appointment scheduler (Scott) is very helpful. Gerry is experienced and good at making the treatment accessible and relevant.

Patient feedback, 2023
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