Strategic priorities
The Sport, Exercise and Health Division contribute to the University strategy. Our programmes and services: support positive physical and mental health; provide skill development opportunities that enhance employability; deliver positive social interactions for students; create institutional pride; and generate a sense of belonging in the #WeAreBristol community.
Sport, Exercise and Health focusses on the following strategic priorities:
- Priority 1 – Increase student participation levels, driven by a focus on student health and wellbeing and student satisfaction. This will be achieved through an offer which is fair and equitable.
- Priority 2 – Facilitate students gaining employability skills through sports leadership, volunteering, officiating, coaching and administration opportunities and experiences.
- Priority 3 – Develop an inspirational and inclusive student-led sporting community, which allows sports clubs and talented athletes to reach their potential. This will be achieved in an environment which is built on pride, partnership, ambition and trust.
Priority 4 – Contribute to the health and wellbeing of staff by providing access to healthy activities.
- Priority 5 – Maximise commercial opportunities in a manner that creates significant opportunities for student development and/or provides income that can be reinvested in the student experience.