Workstations and DSE

Setting up a comfortable workstation

Setting up your workstation and display screen equipment (DSE) correctly is essential for your comfort at work and for your long-term health.

This applies whether you use the same desk each day or switch workspaces frequently, and whether you are on campus or working from home. 

DSE use and the importance of breaks

P‌urpose: Some helpful tips and ideas to get you moving during the day.

Resource: DSE use and the importance of breaks

E-learning module

Set up your workspace correctly using the workstation and DSE e-learning module.
Start workstation e-leaning module

Purpose: Training to set up your workstation correctly to prevent health effects.
Resource: Workstation e-learning module

Completed by: All University staff using computers
When: New staff induction and every 12 months

DSE visual checklist

A cartoon picture of a man sitting with the correct posture at a desk.

Purpose: Reminder of how to set up your workstation correctly.

Resource: DSE visual checklist

Completed by: Individuals using display screen equipment (DSE).

When: Every time you set up a new workstation.

Referrals to the Occupational Health Service

If you have an underlying health condition that could affect you when using display screen equipment, you may need an Occupational Health referral.

DSE: browse the list of items for home use

Use the DSE app to view the catalogue of equipment available for working from home.


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