Food safety

The University ensures the food it provides is safe, hygienic and meets legal requirements by implementing a food safety management system based on the principles of HACCP (hazards analysis and critical control points).

A wide range of activities at the University involve either in-house food production or provision of food made by third parties. Examples include:

  • Catered halls of residence
  • Retail outlets (Source cafes, Senate House Marketplace, Balloon Bar)
  • University or third party provided catering for meetings, events etc. organised by a faculty, school or department
  • Food made or provided by Schools/Faculties as part of the University’s research activities or services provided (e.g. multifaith chaplaincy)
  • Certain student run events on campus (see the events guidance for more information)

As well as producing its own food, the University uses a range of approved third party suppliers to provide food (for example at catered events and meetings). Safety and Health Services work with Catering and Procurement to ensure these meet the relevant standards and seek assurance that they appropriate food safety management systems are in place.

What support does Safety and Health Services provide?

  • Advice and support relating to food safety for example at events or as part of research.
  • A regular program of food safety audits of University run food outlets.
  • Works with Catering to provide support relating to food safety and HACCP.
  • Liaises with enforcement authorities (Usually local authority Environmental Health Officer (EHO)).

Contact us

For further advice and support, email


Learn more about catering across campus.

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