Key Research Publications


Topic Groups

Key research publications have been divided into ten topic groups. Publications concerning (or originating from) the UK and Japan or comparative works are listed under these categories. Some freely available publications can be downloaded in PDF directly from this site.

I. Theories, Definition and Measurement
II. Children
III. Young People
IV. Working Age Adults
V. Later Life
VI. Gender
VII. Ethnicity
VIII. Health
IX. Housing
X. Urban and Rural Studies →

X. Urban and Rural Studies

UK Academic Books and Chapters

Cattell, V. (2012) Poverty, Community and Health: Co-operation and Good Society, Hampshire: Palgrave Macmillan

Cloke, P., Milbourne, P. and Widdowfield, R. (2002) Rural Homelessness: Issues, Experiences and Policy Responses, Bristol: The Policy Press

Henderson, P. and Salmon, H. (2002) Social Exclusion and Community Development, London: Community Development Foundation

Kazepov, Y. and Zajczyk, F. (1997) "Urban Poverty and Social Exclusion: Concepts and Debates" in Moulaert, F. and Scott, A. J. (eds.) Cities Enterprises and Society on the Eve of the 21st Century, London: Wellington House, pp.151-173

Lupton, R. (2003) Poverty Street: The Dynamics of Neighbourhood Decline and Renewal, Bristol: The Policy Press

MilBourne, P. and Cloke, P. (2006) (Eds.) International Perspectives on Rural Homelessness, Oxon: Routledge

Musterd, S., Murie, A. and Kesteloot, C. (2006) (Eds.) Neighbourhoods of Poverty: Urban Social Exclusion and Integration in Comparison, Basingstoke: Palgrave Macmillan

Power, A. and Elster, J. (2005) Environmental Issues and Human Behaviour in Low-income Areas in the UK, Centre for Analysis of Social Exclusion, London: London School of Economics and Political Science

Power, A. (2007) City Survivors: Bringing up Children in Disadvantaged Neighbourhoods, Bristol: The Policy Press

Power, Anne (2007) Neighbourhood Renewal, Mixed Communities and Social Integration: Report to Neighbourhood Renewal Unit, Centre for Analysis of Social Exclusion, London: London School of Economics and Political Science

Power, A., Willmot, H. and Davidson, R. (2011) (Eds.) Family Futures: Childhood and Poverty in Urban Neighbourhoods, Bristol: The Policy Press

Rakodi, C. and Lloyd-Jones, T. (2002) (Eds.) Urban Livelihoods: A People Centred Approach to Reducing Poverty, London: Earthscan Publications Ltd.

Richardson, L. (2008) DIY Community Action: Neighbourhood Problems and Community Self-help, Bristol: The Policy Press

Ricketts, S. and Field, D. (2012) Localism and Planning, West Sussex: Bloomsbury Professional

Smith, A. E. (2009) Ageing in Urban Neighbourhoods: Place Attachment and Social Exclusion, Bristol: The Policy Press

Smith, D. M. (2005) On the Margins of Inclusion: Changing Labour Market and Social Exclusion in London, Bristol: The Policy Press

UK Academic Articles

Power, Anne (2012) Social Inequality, Disadvantaged Neighbourhoods and Transport Deprivation: An Assessment of the Historical Influence of Housing Policies, Journal of Transport Geography, No.21, pp.39-48

UK Reports

Smith, N., Davis, A. and Hirsch, D. (2010) A Minimum Income Standard for Rural Households, York: Joseph Rowntree Foundation

Japan Academic Books and Chapters

Abe, Y. (2001) "Effects of Regional Minimum Wages on the Part-time Wage" in Inoki, T. and Ohtake, F. (eds.) Economic Analysis of Employment Policy, Chapter 9, University of Tokyo Press (in Japanese); (安部由起子 [2001]「地域別最低賃金がパート賃金に与える影響」猪木武徳・大竹文雄編『雇用政策の経済分析』第9章 東京大学出版会)

Nishizawa, A. (2008) "Poverty as a Result of Exclusion--- Tokyo's Urban Underclass" in Iwata, M. and Nishizawa, A. (ed.) Poverty and Social Welfare in Japan, Australia: Trans Pacific Press, pp.39-62

Shibata, K. (2007) Poverty and Community Welfare Activities: Record of Settlement and Social Welfare Council, Mirai (in Japanese); (柴田謙治 [2007]「貧困と地域福祉活動-セツルメントと社会福祉協議会の記録」みらい)

Stevens, C. S. (1997) On the Margins of Japanese Society: Volunteers and the Welfare of Urban Underclass, London: Routledge

Suzuki, T. (2012) "Learning to Build a Regional Community" after 3.11 for Sustainable Social Engagement, Hokuju Shuppan (in Japanese); (鈴木敏正 [2012]「持続可能で包容的な社会のために―3・11後社会の「地域をつくる学び」」北樹出版)

Takasaki City University of Economics, Research Centre for Regional Policy (2010) (Eds.) Social Exclusion and Inequality: Efforts to Resolve by Community, Keiso Shobo (in Japanese); (高崎経済大学附属地域政策研究センター編 [2010] 「社会的排除と格差問題―地域社会による解決への取り組み」勁草書房)

Japan Academic Articles

Fielding, A.J. (2004) Class and Space: Social Segregation in Japanese Cities, Transactions of the Institute of British Geographers, New Series, Vol.29, No.1, pp.64-84

Abe, Y. and Tamada, K. (2007) On the Regional Differences in Minimum Wages and Welfare Benefits in Japan, Japanese Journal of Labour Studies, (Nihon Rodo Kenkyu Zasshi), No. 563, pp.31-47 (in Japanese); (安部由起子・玉田桂子 [2007]「最低賃金・生活保護額の地域差に関する考察」『日本労働研究雑誌』No.563, 31-47ページ。)

Kuroiwa, R. (2010) Social Isolation of the Elderly in Urban Areas and Regional Welfare, Journal of Poverty, No.4, pp.88-97 (in Japanese); (黒岩 亮子 [2010] 「都市高齢者の「孤立」と地域福祉の課題」『貧困研究』 No.4, 88-97ページ。)

Kojima, K. (2002) Income Difference by Region in Japan, the Quarterly of Social Security Research, Vol.38,No.3, pp. 229-238 (in Japanese); (小島克久 [2002] 「地域別に見た所得格差」『季刊社会保障研究』 Vol.38, No.3, 229-238ページ。)

Kojima, T. (2010) Foster the People: Local Community and Social Support, Nagaoka University Lifelong Learning Research Annual Report, No.4, (No.13 Tsukan), pp.25-39 (in Japanese); (児島俊郎 [2010] 「人を育てるー地域と社会が支えるとは」『長岡大学生涯学習研究年報』 第四号, 通号第13号, 25-39ページ。)

Shibata, K. (2008) Poverty and Equalitarian Social Policy, Personal Support and Community Regeneration, Kinjo Gakuin University Journal of Social Science, Vol.5, No.1, pp.1-20 (in Japanese); (柴田謙治 [2008]「貧困と平等主義的社会政策、個別支援と地域再生 – 貧困への地域レベルでの取組み」『金城学院大学論集社会科学編』第5巻, 第1号, 1-20ページ。)

Comparative Academic Books and Chapters

Benassi, D., Kazepov, Y. and Mingione, E. (1997) "Socio-economic Restructuring and Urban Poverty under Different Welfare Regimes" in Moulaert, F. and Scott, A. J. (eds.) Cities Enterprises and Society on the Eve of the 21st Century, London: Wellington House, pp.174--218

Oda, K. (2002) Social Welfare of the Community Care: Community Welfare in the UK and Japan, Keiso Shobo (in Japanese); (小田 兼三 [2002]「コミュニティケアの社会福祉学―イギリスと日本の地域福祉」勁草書房)

Comparative Academic Articles

Ballas, D., Campbell, M., Clarke, G., Hanaoka, K., Nakaya, T. and Waley, P. (2012) A Spatial Microsimulation Approach to Small Area Income Estimation in Britain and Japan, Studies in Regional Science (Publication in Process)

Shibusawa, H. and Batey, P. (2006) A Comparison of the Urban Policy Evaluation Used in Britain and Japan, Bulletin of the School of Humanities, Toyohashi University of Technology, No.28, pp.11-33 (in Japanese); (渋澤博幸・ベイティ ピーター [2006] 「英国と日本における都市政策評価手法の比較研究(2)」『豊橋技術科学大学人文科学系紀要』No.28, 11-33ページ。)