Key Research Publications


Topic Groups

Key research publications have been divided into ten topic groups. Publications concerning (or originating from) the UK and Japan or comparative works are listed under these categories. Some freely available publications can be downloaded in PDF directly from this site.

I. Theories, Definition and Measurement
II. Children
III. Young People
IV. Working Age Adults →
V. Later Life
VI. Gender
VII. Ethnicity
VIII. Health
IX. Housing
X. Urban and Rural Studies

IV. Working Age Adults

UK Academic Books and Chapters

Abrams, F (2002) Below the Breadline: Living on the Minimum Wage, London: Profile Books Ltd

Alcock, P. (2003) Work to Welfare: How Men Become Detached from the Labour Market, Cambridge: Cambridge University Press

Bailey, N. (2006) "Does Work Pay? Employment, Poverty and Social Exclusion" in Pantazis, C., Gordon, D. and Levitas, R. (eds.) Poverty and Social Exclusion in Britain: the Millennium Survey, Bristol: The Policy Press, pp.163-190

Burchardt, T. and Le Grand, J. (2002) Constraint and Opportunity: Identifying Voluntary Non-employment, London: Centre for Analysis of Social Exclusion

Finn, D. (2009) "The 'Welfare Market': The Role of the Private Sector in the Delivery of Benefits and Employment Services" in Millar, J (eds.) Understanding Social Security (2nd Ed.), Bristol: The Policy Press

Gottfried, G. and Lawton, K. (2010) In-work Poverty in the Recession, London: Institute for Public Policy Research

Kenway, P. (2008) Addressing in-work Poverty, York: Joseph Rowntree Foundation

Andress, H. and Lohmann, H. (2008) The Working Poor in Europe: Employment, Poverty and Globalization, Cheltenham: Edward Elgar Publishing Ltd.

Levitas, R. (1998) 'Social Inclusion and the Politics of New Labour: Welfare, Work and Lone Parent Families', in Ferreira, V., Tavares, T. and Portugal, S. (eds.) Shifting Bonds, Shifting Bounds: Women Mobility and Citizenship in Europe, Celta Editora, pp. 305-314

Levitas, R. (2005) The Inclusive Society? Social Exclusion and New Labour, London: Macmillan

Lodemel, I. and Trickey, H. (2001) 'An Offer You Can't Refuse' Workfare in International, Bristol: The Policy Press

Sargeant, M. (2011) (Eds.) Age Discrimination and Diversity: Multiple Discrimination from an Age Perspective, Cambridge: Cambridge University Press

Toynbee, P (2003) Hard Work: Life in Low-pay Britain, London: Bloomsbury

Waldfogel, J. (2010) Britain's War on Poverty, New York: Russell Sage Foundation

UK Academic Articles

Bagguley, P. and Mann, K. (1992) Idle Thieving Bastards? Scholarly Representations of the Underclass, Work, Employment & Society, Vol.6, No.1, pp.113-126

Piggott, L. and Grover, C. (2009) Retrenching Incapacity Benefit: Employment Support Allowance and Paid Work, Social Policy and Society, Vol.8, No.2, pp. 159-170

UK Government Reports

Department of Work and Pensions (2011) Households Below Average Income: An analysis of the income distribution 1994/95 – 2009/10

Department of Work and Pensions (2010) Universal Credit: Welfare that Works, London: DWP

Fahmy, E., Levitas, R., Gordon, D. and Patsios, D (2009) Understanding Multidimensional Exclusion Amongst Working Age Adults Without Children, London: Cabinet Office Social Exclusion Task Force

Hasluck, C. and Green, A. E. (2004) The Impact of Government Policy on Social Exclusion among Working Age People, London: Office of the Deputy Prime Minister

HM Government (2010) State of the Nation Report: Poverty, Worklessness and Welfare Dependency in the UK, London: Cabinet Office

UK Other Key Reports

Bardone, L. and Guio, A-C. (2005) In -Work Poverty, Eurostat Statistics in Focus 2005, No.5, Luxembourg: Office for Official Publications of the European Communities

Japan Academic Books and Chapters

The Japan Institute for Labour Policy and Training (2008) Disparity, Poverty and Labor (Special Edition), Japan Labour Review, Vol. 5, No.4, Tokyo: JILPT

岩田正美 [2007]「現代の貧困: ワーキングプア/ホームレス/生活保護」筑摩書房

Iwata, M. (2007) Modern Poverty: Working Poor, Homeless, Welfare, Chikuma Shobo

遠藤公嗣編 [2012]「個人加盟ユニオンと労働NPO: 排除された労働者の権利擁護 (現代社会政策のフロンティア) 」ミネルヴァ書房

Endo, K. (2012) (Eds.) Personal Participation of Union and Labour NPO: Defend the Rights of Workers Who are Excluded, Minerva Shobo

埋橋孝文編 [2007]「ワークフェア―排除から包摂へ?」(シリーズ・新しい社会政策の課題と挑戦) 法律文化社

Uzuhashi, T. (2007) (Eds.) Workfare: From Exclusion to Inclusion, Horitsubunkasha

水島宏明 [2009]「ネットカフェ難民と貧困ニッポン」日本テレビ放送網

Mizushima, H. (2009) Japan Net Café Refugee and Poverty, Nihon Television Network

宮島 洋・連合総合生活開発研究所 [2002]「日本の所得分配と格差」東洋経済新報社

Miyajima, H. and Research Institute for Advancement of Living Standards (2002) Japan's Income Distribution and Inequality, Toyo Keizai

森岡孝二 [2009]「貧困化するホワイトカラー」筑摩書房

Morioka, K. (2009) The Rise of White-Collar Poverty, Chikuma Shobo

Japan Academic Articles

Abe, Y. (2011) Minimum Wages and Employment in Japan, Japan Labour Review, Vol.8, No.2 Tokyo: The Japan Institute for Labour Policy and Training, pp.42-54

Fukawa, H. (2007) Determining Minimum Standards of Living, Economic Review Shizuoka University, Vol.11, No.4, pp.79-90 (in Japanese); (布川日佐史 [2007]「最低生活保障基準の確定に向けて」『静岡大学経済研究』Vol.11, No.4, 79-90ページ。)

Higuchi, Y., Ishii, K. and Sato, K. (2011), Poverty and Employment: Investigation of Effective Measures to Eliminate the Working Poor (in Japanese), Research Institute of Economy, Trade and Industry Discussion Paper Series, No.11-J-056; (樋口美雄・石井加代子・佐藤一磨 [2011]「貧困と就業―ワーキングプア解消に向けた有効策の検討―」経済産業研究所No.11-J-056)

Komamura, K. (2007) The Reform of Social Assistance for Working Poor, The Japanese Journal of Labour Studies (Nihon Rodo Kenkyu Zasshi), No.563, pp.48-60 (in Japanese); (駒村康平 [2007]「ワーキングプア・ボーダーライン層と生活保護制度改革の動向」『日本労働研究雑誌』No.563, 48-60ページ。)

Kume, K., Ohtake, F., Okudaira, H. and Tsuru, K. (2010) Measuring Social Exclusion of Non-Regular Workers in Japan, Research Institute of Economy, Trade and Industry Discussion Paper Series, No.10-J-025 (in Japanese); (久米功一・大竹文雄・奥平寛子・鶴光太郎 [2010]「非正規労働者における社会的排除の実態とその要因」経済産業研究所, No.10-J-025)

Osawa, M. (2009) Share of Unemployed Who Not Receiving Unemployment Benefits: Why Japans' Figure is So High, Trends in the Sciences, Vol.14, No.6, pp.112-114 (in Japanese); (大沢真理 [2009]「失業給付を受けない失業者: 日本の比率は主要国で最高レベル」『学術の動向』Vol.14, No.6, 112-114ページ。)

Nishimura, Y. and Uzuki, Y. (2009) Social Exclusion among Workers in Japan: Implications for Polarization of Work, the Quarterly of Social Security Research, Vol.43, No.1, pp.41-53 (in Japanese); (西村幸満・卯月由佳 [2009] (就業者における社会的排除―就業の二極化への示唆」『季刊社会保障研究』Vol.43, No.1, 41-53ページ。)

Sekine, Y. (2007) Poverty in Japan: The Increasing Working Poor, Japanese Journal of Labour Studies, (Nihon Rodo Kenkyu Zasshi), No. 563, pp.20-30 (in Japanese); (関根由紀 [2007]「日本の貧困―増える働く貧困層」『日本労働研究雑誌』No.563, 20-30ページ。)

Sekine, Y. (2008) The Rise of Poverty in Japan: The Emergence of the Working Poor, Japan Labour Review, Vol.5, No.4, pp.49-66

Shikata, M. and Komamura, K. (2011) Poverty Risks among the Middle-aged Male: Poverty Rate of Unemployed Person, Japanese Journal of Labour Studies, (Nihon Rodo Kenkyu Zasshi), Vol.53, No.11, pp.46-58 (in Japanese); (四方理人・駒村康平 [2011]「中年齢層男性の貧困リスクー失業者の貧困率の推計:ミッドエイジの危機」『日本労働研究雑誌』Vol.53, No.11, 46-58ページ。)

Tachibanaki, T. and Urakawa, K. (2008) Trends in Poverty among Low-Income Workers in Japan since the Nineties, Japan Labour Review, Vol.5, No.4, pp.21-48

Japan Government Reports

Minister of Health, Labour and Welfare (2012) Outline of Part-time Worker Livelihood Survey 2011, Tokyo: Minister of Health, Labour and Welfare (in Japanese); (厚生労働省 [2012]「平成23年 パートタイム労働者総合実態調査の概況」厚生労働省)

Comparative Academic Books and Chapters

Shinkawa, T. and Shinoda, T. (2009) (Eds.) Possibility of Labour and the Welfare State: International Comparison of Labour Movement Reproduction (Contemporary Welfare State Series), Minerva Shobo (in Japanese); (新川敏光・ 篠田 徹編 [2009] 「労働と福祉国家の可能性―労働運動再生の国際比較」 (シリーズ・現代の福祉国家) ミネルヴァ書房)

Comparative Academic Articles

Abiko, M. (2008) The Comparative Institutions of "Work-Welfare Nexus", Journal on Public Affairs, Chiba University, Vol.4, No.4, pp.90-134 (in Japanese); (安孫子誠男 [2008] 「比較制度論の視点と〈労働‐福祉ネクサス〉」『千葉大学公共研究』第四巻, 第四号, 90-134ページ。)

Gary, S. (2011) The United Kingdom: Trend of Non-regular Employment in Europe and America from the Comparative Perspective of Japan, Labour Policy Forum: International Comparison in Non-regular Employment, Business Labour Trend, No.4, pp.3-8 (in Japanese); (ゲイリー・スレーター [2011] 「特集 欧米を中心とした非正規雇用の動向--日本との比較の視点からーー英国(労働政策フォーラム 非正規雇用の国際比較)」『ビジネス・レーバー・トレンド』第四号, 3-8ページ。)