Key Research Publications


Topic Groups

Key research publications have been divided into ten topic groups. Publications concerning (or originating from) the UK and Japan or comparative works are listed under these categories. Some freely available publications can be downloaded in PDF directly from this site.

I. Theories, Definition and Measurement
II. Children
III. Young People →
IV. Working Age Adults
V. Later Life
VI. Gender
VII. Ethnicity
VIII. Health
IX. Housing
X. Urban and Rural Studies

III. Young People

UK Academic Books and Chapters

Alcock, P., May, M. and Wright, S. (2012, 4th Ed.) The Student's Companion to Social Policy, UK: John Wiley & Sons Ltd

Barry, M. (2005) (Eds.) Youth Policy and Social Inclusion: Critical Debates with Young People, London: Routledge

Bates, I. and Riseborough, G. (1993) Youth and Inequality, Buckingham: Open University Press

Blanden, J. and Gibbons, S. (2006) The Persistence of Poverty Across Generations: A View from Two British Cohorts, Bristol: The Policy Press

Bynner, J., Elias, P., McKnight, A., Pan, H. and Pierre, G. (2002) Young People's Changing Routes to Independence, York: Joseph Rowntree Foundation

Fahmy, E. (2005) "Youth, Poverty and Social Exclusion" in Gordon, D., Pantazis, C. and Levitas, R. (eds.) Poverty and Social Exclusion in Britain, Bristol: The Policy Press, pp.347-374

France, A. (2007) Understanding Youth in Late Modernity, Buckingham, Open University Press

Iacovou, M. and Aassve, A. (2007) Youth Poverty in Europe, York: Joseph Rowntree Foundation

Jones, G. (2002) The Youth Divide: Diverging Paths to Adulthood, York: JRF

MacDonald, R. and Marsh, J. (2005) Disconnected Youth? Growing up in Britain's Poor Neighbourhoods, Basingstoke: Palgrave Macmillan

Walker, A. (1996) (Eds.) The New Generational Contract: Intergenerational Relations and Welfare, London: UCL Press

Webster, C., Simpson, D., MacDonald, R., Abbas, A., Cieslik, M., Shildrick, T. and Simpson, M. (2004) Poor Transitions: Social Exclusion and Young Adults, Bristol: The Policy Press

UK Academic Articles

Bynner, J. and Parsons, S. (2002) Social Exclusion and the Transition from School to Work: The Case of Young People Not in Education, Employment, or Training (NEET), Journal of Vocational Behaviour, No.60, pp.289-309

Colley, K. and Hodkinson, P. (2001) Problems with Bridging the Gap: The Reversal of Structure and Agency in Addressing Social Exclusion, Critical Social Policy, Vol. 21, No.3, pp.337-361

Fahmy, E. (2008) Tackling Youth Exclusion in the UK: Challenges for Current Policy and Practice, Social Work and Society, Vol.6, No.2, pp.279-288

Fergusson, R. (2002) Rethinking Youth Transitions: Policy Transfer and New Exclusions in New Labour's New Deal, Policy Studies, Vol.23, No.3, pp. 173-190

Mizen, P. (2003) The Best Days of Your Life? Youth, Policy and Blair's New Labour, Critical Social Policy, Vol.23, No.4, pp.453-476

UK Government Reports

Bynner, J.M. and Londra, M. (2004) The Impact of Government Policy on Social Exclusion amongst Young People: A Review of the Literature for the Social Exclusion Unit in the Breaking the Cycle Series, London: Office of the Deputy Prime Minister

ODPM (Office of the Deputy Prime Minister) (2005) Transitions: Young Adults with Complex Needs- A Social Exclusion Unit Final Report, London: ODPM

Social Exclusion Unit (1999) Bridging the Gap: New Opportunities for 16 –18 Year Olds Not in Education, Employment or Training, London: Stationary Office

Japan Academic Books and Chapters

Aoto, Y. (2009) High School Dropout Document: Now, Where Poverty Is Born, Chikuma Shinsho (in Japanese); (青砥 恭 [2009]「ドキュメント高校中退―いま、貧困がうまれる場所」ちくま新書)

Asahina, N. (2011) Abandoned High School Students: Reality of the Unknown "Difficult School", Gakuji (in Japanese); (朝比奈なを [2011]「見捨てられた高校生たち―知られざる「教育困難校」の現実」学事出版)

Buraku Liberation and Human Rights Research Institute (2005) (Eds.) Excluded Young People: Freeter and Reproduction of Inequality, Kaiho Shuppansha (in Japanese); (部落解放・人権研究所編 [2005]「排除される若者たち―フリーターと不平等の再生産」解放出版社)

Goodman, R., Imoto, Y. and Toivonen, T. (2012) (Eds.) A Sociology of Japanese Youth: From Returnees to NEETs, Oxon: Routledge

Iijima, Y. and Big Issue Foundation (2011) Lupo: Homeless Youth, Chikuma Shobo (in Japanese); (飯島裕子・ビッグイシュー基金 [2011]「ルポ 若者ホームレス」ちくま書房)

Miyamoto, M. (2002) Young People Fall into the Socially Vulnerable, Yosensha (in Japanese); (宮本みち子 [2002]「若者が社会的弱者に転落する」洋泉社)

Miyamoto, M. (2002) Young People Becoming Isolated: Connecting with Work, Welfare and Community, Chikuma Shinsho (in Japanese); (宮本みち子 [2012]「若者が無縁化する: 仕事・福祉・コミュニティでつなぐ」ちくま新書)

Miyamoto, M. (2011) Polarised Young People and Self Support: Approach to the "Youth Problem", Akashi Shoten (in Japanese); (宮本みち子・小杉礼子編 [2011]「二極化する若者と自立支援―「若者問題」への接近」明石書店)

Murasawa, W., Yamao, T. and Murasawa, M. (2012) Young People in Post-Moratorium Period (Beyond Social Exclusion), Sekaishisosha (in Japanese); (村澤和多里・山尾貴則・村澤真保呂 [2012]「ポストモラトリアム時代の若者たち (社会的排除を超えて)」世界思想社)

Oyama, N. (2008) Livelihood Protection VS Working Poor: Spread Poverty among Young People, Chikuma Shinsho (in Japanese); (大山典宏 [2008]「生活保護VSワーキングプア:若者に広がる貧困」ちくま新書)

Tachibanaki, T. (2010) Educational Disparities in Japan, Iwanami Shisho (in Japanese); (橘木俊詔 [2010]「日本の教育格差」岩波新書)

Toivonen, T. (2009) Explaining Social Inclusion and Activation Policy for Youth in21st Century Japan, PhD Thesis, Oxford: University of Oxford

Yuasa, M., Togashi, M., Uema, Y. and Nihei, N. (2009) (Eds.) Youth and Poverty: Now, the Hope from Here, Akashi Shoten (in Japanese); (湯浅 誠・冨樫匡孝・上間陽子・仁平典宏編 [2009]「若者と貧困―いま、ここからの希望を] 明石書店)

Japan Academic Articles

Doteuchi, A. (2010) Social Isolation of Young People: Building an Equal Starting Line of Life, NLI Research Institute Report (in Japanese); (土堤内昭雄 [2010]「若者の社会的孤立について:公平な人生のスタートラインをつくる」NLI Research Institute Report)

Hasegawa, T. (2010) Symbiosis of Child-Youth and the Modern Age: The Elimination of Social Exclusion and The Achievement of Social Inclusion, Journal of Cultural Symbiosis Research, No.1, pp.15-19 (in Japanese); (長谷川俊雄 [2010]「現代と子ども・若者との「共生」 ~排除する社会の消滅と包摂する」『共生の文化研究』 愛知県立大学多文化共生研究所 No.1, 15-19ページ。)

Ito, Y. (2007) Youth Unemployment in Japan: A Study from the Perspective of Social Exclusion, Policy and Governance Working Paper Series, No.112 (in Japanese); (伊藤裕一 [2007] 「日本における若年失業問題―「社会的排除」の視点からの考察―」『総合政策学ワーキングペーパーシリーズ』No.112)

Miyamoto, M. (2004) Social Exclusion and Youth Unemployment: The Correspondence in the UK and Sweden, Japanese Journal of Labour Studies, No.533, pp.17-26 (in Japanese); (宮本みち子 [2004] 「社会的排除と若年無業――イギリス・スウェーデンの対応」『日本労働研究雑誌』No.533,17-26ページ。)

Miyamoto, M. (2006) Youth Social Exclusion and Social Participation Policy: Youth Policy in EU, Studies in Adult and Community Education, No.50, pp.144-158 (in Japanese); (宮本みち子 [2006] 「若者の社会的排除と社会参画政策――EU若者政策から」『社会的排除と社会教育(日本の社会教育第50集)』東洋館出版社日本社会教育学会編,144-158ページ。)

Miyamoto, M. (2006) Poverty and Social Exclusion among Young People, Journal of Social Problems, No.21, pp.17-30 (in Japanese); (宮本みち子 [2006] 「若年層の貧困化と社会的排除」『日本社会病理』第21号, 17-30ページ。)

Nishimura, Y. (2006) Atypical Youth Workers and Inequality: Revisiting City-Size, Education and Social Stratification, the Quarterly of Social Security Research, Vol.42, No.2, pp. 137-148 (in Japanese); (西村幸満 [2006] 「若年の非正規就業と格差-都市規模間格差,学歴間格差,階層間格差の再検証-」『季刊社会保障研究』国立社会保障・人口問題研究所 Vol.42, No.2, 137-148ページ。)

Ohsawa, S. (2010) "Inequality of Children's Experiences" from Perspectives of School and Family Life: The Survey of High School Students' Living Consciousness, The Japan Society of Educational Sociology, No.62, pp.228-229 (in Japanese); (大澤真平 [2010]「学校・家庭生活にみる『子どもの経験の不平等』: 高校生の生活意識調査から」『日本教育社会学会大会発表要旨集録』No.62, 228-229ページ。)

Takahashi, T. (2011) The Poor of Youth, Employment and Social Security, The Soka Law Review, Vol.40, No.3, pp.1-22 (in Japanese); (高橋 保 [2011]「若者の貧困化と雇用・社会保障」『創価法学』Vol.40, No.3,1-22ページ。)

Tanaka, S. (2009) Society with Disparity and Poverty among Young Workers: The Problem of Coping on an Unreliable Income, Ryukoku University Institutional Repository: Sociology Social Welfare, Vol. 16, pp.39-58 (in Japanese); (田中聡子 [2009]「若年層の格差と貧困 : 不安定就労の現状と課題」『龍谷大学大学院研究紀要社会学社会福祉学』Vol.16,39-58ページ。)

Urakawa, K. (2012) The Welfare Impact of Marginal Consumption Tax Reforms on Young Households in Japan, Journal of Political Economy (Keizaigaku-Kenkyu),Vol.78, No.5・6, pp.89-106

Japan Government Reports

Cabinet Office (2012) A Summary of Surveys and Research for Young People, Tokyo: Cabinet Office ; (内閣府 [2012]「青少年に関する調査研究等」内閣府)

Japan Other Key Reports

The Japan Institute for Labor Policy and Training (2004) Real Image of the Young People with Crisis in Transition: Interview Survey with Unemployment or Part Time Young People (Interim Report), Policy Research Working Paper No.6 (in Japanese); (労働政策研究・研修機構 [2004] 「移行の危機にある若者の実像――無業・フリーターの若者へのインタビュー調査(中間報告)」労働政策研究報告書No.6)

Comparative Academic Books and Chapters

Inui, A. (1999) Young People Living in the Instability: UK-Japan Comparison in Freeter, NEET, Unemployment, Otsuki Shoten (in Japanese); (乾 彰夫 [1999] 「不安定を生きる若者たち―日英比較:フリーター・ニート・失業」大月書店)

Kosugi, R. and Hori, Y. (2006) (Eds.) Career Education and Employment Support: International Comparison of Freeter, NEET, Keiso Shobo (in Japanese); (小杉礼子・堀有喜衣編 [2006]「キャリア教育と就業支援:フリーター・ニート対策の国際比較」勁草書房)

Comparative Academic Articles

Okawa, S. (2008) Social Context of Supporting Young Fathers and Mothers in the United Kingdom, Journal of School of Nursing Osaka Prefecture University, Osaka Prefecture University, Vol.14, No.1, pp.51-56 (in Japanese); (大川聡子 [2008] 「若年父親・母親の社会的背景と支援のあり方 : イギリスの事例を通して」『大阪府立大学看護学部紀要』Vol.14, No.1, 51-56ページ。)

Comparative Reports

The Japan Institute for Labour Policy and Training (2005) Current Status and Challenges of Youth Employment Support: An Analysis of Japanese Youth from Deployment and Support in the United Kingdom, Labour Policy Research Report No.35 (in Japanese); (労働政策研究・研修機構 [2005] 「若者就業支援の現状と課題. ―イギリスにおける支援の展開と日本の若者の実態分析から―」『労働政策研究報告書』No.35)