Key Research Publications


Topic Groups

Key research publications have been divided into ten topic groups. Publications concerning (or originating from) the UK and Japan or comparative works are listed under these categories. Some freely available publications can be downloaded in PDF directly from this site.

I. Theories, Definition and Measurement
II. Children
III. Young People
IV. Working Age Adults
V. Later Life
VI. Gender
VII. Ethnicity
VIII. Health
IX. Housing →
X. Urban and Rural Studies

IX. Housing

UK Academic Books and Chapters

Anderson, I. and Sim, D. (2000) (Eds.) Social Exclusion and Housing: Context and Challenges, Coventry: Chartered Institute of Housing

Burney, E. (1999) Crime and Banishment: Nuisance and Exclusion in Social Housing, Winchester: Waterside Press

Spiers, F. (1999) (Eds.) Housing and Social Exclusion, London: Jessica Kingsley

Izuhara, M. (2009) Housing, Care and Inheritance, Oxon: Routledge

Kennett, P. (1999) 'Homelessness, Citizenship and Social Exclusion' in Kennett, P. and Marsh, A. (eds.) Homelessness: Exploring the New Terrain, pp.37-60, Bristol: The Policy Press

Peter,L. and Murie, A. (1997) Poverty, Housing Tenure and Social Exclusion, Bristol: The Policy Press

Somerville, P. and Springings, N. (2005) (Eds.) Housing and Social Policy, Oxon: Routledge

Somerville, P. and Steele, A. (2002) (Eds.) Race, Housing and Social Exclusion, London: Jessica Kingsley Publishers Ltd.

UK Academic Articles

Harding, J., Irving, A. and Whowell, M. (2011) Homelessness, Pathways to Exclusion and Opportunities for Intervention, Northumbria University Arts and Social Sciences Press

Marsh, A.D. and Mullins, D. (1998) The Social Exclusion Perspective and Housing Studies: Origins, Applications and Limitations, Housing Studies, Vol.13, No.6, pp.749-759

Marsh, A.D., Gordon, D., Heslop, P. and Pantazis, C. (2000) Housing Deprivation and Health: A Longitudinal Analysis, Housing Studies, Vol.15, No.3, pp.411-428

Pleace, N. (1998) Single Homelessness as Social Exclusion: The Unique and the Extreme, Social Policy and Administration, Vol.32, No.1, pp.46-59

UK Government Reports

Social Exclusion Unit (1998) Rough Sleeping- Report by the Social Exclusion Unit, London: The Stationery Office

Japan Academic Books and Chapters

Aoki, H. (2010) Homeless Studies: Reality of Exclusion and Inclusion, Minerva Shobo (in Japanese); (青木 秀男 [2010] 「ホームレス・スタディーズ―排除と包摂のリアリティ」ミネルヴァ書房)

Hayakawa, K., Okamoto, Y. and Hayakawa, J. (2011) Casebook, Housing Poverty in Japan (Childcare, Disable Elderly, Incurable Patients), Fujiwara Shoten (in Japanese); (早川和男・岡本祥浩・早川潤一編 [2011]「ケースブック 日本の居住貧困〔子育て/高齢障がい者/難病患者〕」藤原書店)

Hirayama, Y. (2003) "Housing Policy and Social Inequality in Japan" in Izuhara, M. (eds.) Comparing Social Policies: Exploring New Perspectives in Britain and Japan, Bristol: The Policy Press, pp.151-172

Honma, Y. (2009) Housing Poverty, Iwanami Shisho (in Japanese); (本間義人 [2009]「居住の貧困」岩波新書)

Kennett, P, Jeon H-G., and Mizuuchi, T. (2011) Homelessness in East Asia: Mainland China, Hong Kong SAR, Japan and South Korea in S. Smith (eds.) the International Encyclopedia of Housing and Home 1st Edition, Elsevier

Iwata, M. (2000) Homeless, Contemporary Society and Welfare State: Concerning A Place to Live, Akashi Shoten (in Japanese); (岩田正美 [2000]「ホームレス/現代社会/福祉国家」明石書店)

Iwata, M. (2007) "Social Exclusion and Homelessness" in Hirayama, Y. and Ronald, R. (eds.) Housing and Social Transition in Japan, Oxon: Routledge, pp.140-164

Izuhara, M. (2005) "Poverty of Older Women from the Perspective of Housing" in Iwata, M. and Nishizawa, A. (eds.) Poverty and Social Exclusion: What Undermine the Social Welfare, Minerva (in Japanese); (泉原美佐 [2005]「住宅から見た高齢女性の貧困」(岩田正美・西沢晃彦編「貧困と社会的排除―福祉社会を蝕むもの」ミネルヴァ書房)。)

Sasanuma, H. (2008) Homeless and Independence, Exclusion: Are There Any <Rights to Dream of Happiness> on the Street?, Otsukishoten (in Japanese); (笹沼 弘志 [2008]「ホームレスと自立/排除―路上に<幸福を夢見る権利>はあるか」大月書店)

Japan Academic Articles

Aoki, H. (2011) Japan's Underclass: Homeless, Trends in the Sciences, pp.28-34 (in Japanese); (青木 秀男 [2011]「日本のアンダークラスーホームレス」『学術の動向』28-34ページ。)

Forrest, R., Kennett, P. and Izuhara, M. (2003) Home Ownership and Economic Change in Japan, Housing Studies, Vol.18, No.2, pp.277-293

Forrest, R, Izuhara, M. and Kennett, P. (2000) Home Ownership in Japan's Troubled Economy, International Housing Finance, No.46, pp.50-55

Kawagoe, M. and Miura, K. (2005) Elderly Housing and Care Policy in Japan, International Social Security Research, No.164, pp.4-16 (in Japanese); (川越雅弘・三浦研 [2005]「我が国の高齢者住宅とケア政策」『海外社会保障研究』 No.164, 4-16ページ。)

Kennett, P. and Iwata, M. (2003) Precariousness in Everyday Life: Homelessness in Japan International Journal of Urban and Regional Research, Vol. 27, No.1, pp.62-74

Kennett, P. and Mizuuchi, T. (2010) Homelessness, Housing Insecurity and Social Exclusion in Mainland China, Hong Kong and Japan, Culture and Society, Vol.1, No.2, pp.111-118

Iwata, M. (2011) British Social Policy and "Social Exclusion": Confusion over Homeless Policy in Recent Years, International Social Security Research, No. 141, pp.28-37 (in Japanese); (岩田正美 [2011]「英国社会政策と「社会的排除」-近年のホームレス政策の混乱をめぐって-」『海外社会保障研究』28-37ページ。)

Iwata, M. and Kuroiwa, R. (2001) Homeless and Urban Housing, Urban Housing Sciences, No.34, pp.41-45 (in Japanese); (岩田正美・黒岩亮子 [2001]「ホームレスと都市居住」『都市住宅学』第34号, 41-45ページ。)

Tamiya, Y. (2007) Housing Problems of Mother-to-Child Household, Urban Housing Sciences, Vol.56, pp.12-16 (in Japanese); (田宮遊子 [2007] 「母子世帯の住宅問題」『都市住宅学』Vol.56, 12-16ページ。)

Ueda, A. (2010) Social Security for Low-Income Households: Housing and Life Satisfaction, the Quarterly Journal of Social Security Research, Vol.46, No.2, pp.139-149 (in Japanese); (上枝朱美 [2010] 「低所得者に対する保障のあり方―住宅と生活満足度」『季刊社会保障研究』Vol.46, No.2, 139-149ページ。)

Urakawa, K. (2007), Inequality and Poverty in Relation to the Quality of Residential Life, The Economic Review, Vol.178, No.3, pp.85-109 (in Japanese); (浦川 邦夫 [2007] 「居住生活の質に関する格差と貧困」『経済論叢』 Vol.178, No.3, 85-109ページ。)

Japan Government Reports

Japan Government Reports

Minister of Health, Labour and Welfare (2011) The Results of National Survey of Homeless People (Summary), Tokyo: Minister of Health, Labour and Welfare (in Japanese); (厚生労働省 [2012] 「ホームレスの実態に関する全国調査の結果(概要版)」厚生労働省)

Comparative Academic Books and Chapters

Kennett, P. and Chan, K.W. (2011) (Eds.) Women and Housing: An International Analysis, Oxon: Routledge

Comparative Academic Articles

Bradshaw, J. and Finch, N. (2002) Housing Benefits in 22 Countries, Benefits, Vol.12, No.2, pp.87-94

Forrest, R. and Hirayam, Y. (2009) The Uneven Impact of Neoliberalism on Housing Opportunities, International Journal of Urban and Regional Research, Vol.33, No.4, pp.998-1013

Hirayama, Y., Forrest, R., Hinokidani, M., Izuhara, M. and Kennett P. (2002) Restructuring of the Home Ownership System in Japan and Britain, Housing Research Foundation Annual Report, Article No. 0116, No.29, pp.229-240

Izuhara, M. (2005) Residential Property, Cultural Practices and the "Generational Contract" in England and Japan, International Journal of Urban and Regional Research, Vol.29, No.2, pp.327-340

Kikuchi, H. and Kaneko, Y. (2005) The Position of Housing Policy in Social Security System: Approach from the Theory of Welfare State, International Social Security Research, No.152, pp.3-17 (in Japanese); (菊地英明・金子能宏 [2005] 「社会保障における住宅政策の位置づけ-福祉国家論からのアプローチ-」『海外社会保障研究』No.152, 3-17ページ。)

"Kodama, T. (2002) A Comparative Study of Anti-Homeless Policy in Japan and the UK, Quarterly Economic Research, Vol.24, No.4, pp.43-56 (in Japanese); (小玉徹 [2002] 「ホームレス対策をめぐる日本とイギリスの比較(I)」『季刊経済研究』Vol.24, No.4, 43-56ページ。)

Okamoto, Y. (2007) A Comparative Study of Homelessness in the United Kingdom and Japan, Journal of Social Issues, Vol.63, No.3, pp.525-542