Key Research Publications


Topic Groups

Key research publications have been divided into ten topic groups. Publications concerning (or originating from) the UK and Japan or comparative works are listed under these categories. Some freely available publications can be downloaded in PDF directly from this site.

I. Theories, Definition and Measurement
II. Children
III. Young People
IV. Working Age Adults
V. Later Life →
VI. Gender
VII. Ethnicity
VIII. Health
IX. Housing
X. Urban and Rural Studies

V. Later Life

UK Academic Books and Chapters

Cann, P. and Dean, M. (2009) (Eds.) Unequal Ageing: The Untold Story of Exclusion in Old Age, Bristol: The Policy Press

Ginn, J. (2008) "Poverty and Financial Inequality in Later Life" in Ridge, T. and Wright, S. (2008) (eds.) Understanding Inequality, Poverty and Wealth, Bristol: The Policy Press

Glaser, K., Nicholls, M., Stuchbury, R., Price, D. and Gjonca, E. (2009) Life Course Influences on Poverty and Social Isolation in Later Life: A Secondary Analysis, London: Institute of Gerontology, Kings College London; Department of Work and Pensions, University College London

Hobcraft, J. (2002) "Social Exclusion and the Generations" in Hills, J., LeGrand,J. and Piachaud,D. (eds.) Understanding Social Exclusion, Oxford: Oxford University Press, pp.62-83

Mackinlay, E. (2008) (Eds.) Ageing, Disability and Spiritually: Addressing the Challenge of Disability in Later Life, London: Jessica Kingsley Publishers

McKee, S. (2010) The Forgotten Age: Understanding Poverty and Social Exclusion in Later Life, London: The Centre for Social Justice

Scharf, T. and Keating, N.C. (2012) (Eds.) From Exclusion to Inclusion in Old Age: A Global Challenge, Bristol: The Policy Press

Smith, A. E. (2009) Ageing in Urban Neighbourhoods: Place Attachment and Social Exclusion, Bristol: The Policy Press

Thane, P. (1996) "Gender, Welfare and Old Age in Britain 1870s-1940s" in Digby, A. and Stewart, J. (eds.) Gender, Health and Welfare, London: Routledge, pp.189-207

UK Academic Articles

Glaser, K., Stuchbury, R., Tomassini, C. and Askham, J. (2008) The Long-term Consequences of Partnership Disruption for Support in Later Life in the United Kingdom, Ageing & Society, Vol. 28, pp.329-351

Izuhara, M. and Heywood, F. (2003) A Life-time of Inequality: A Structural Analysis of Housing Careers and Issues Facing Older Private Tenants, Ageing & Society, No.23, pp.207-224

UK Reports

Katz, J., Holland, C., Peace, H. and Taylor, E. (2011) What Do Older People with High Support Needs Value, York: Joseph Rowntree Foundation

Office of the Deputy Prime Minister (2006) A Sure Start to Later Life, Ending Inequalities for Older People- A Social Exclusion Unit Final Report, London: Office of the Deputy Prime Minister

" Phillipson, C. and Scharf, T. (2004) The Impact of Government Policy on Social Exclusion among Older People: A Review of the Literature for the Social Exclusion Unit in the Breaking the Cycle Series, London: Office of the Deputy Prime Minister

Japan Academic Books and Chapters

Hiraoka, K. (2001) (Eds.) Social Inequality and Old Age, University of Tokyo Press (in Japanese); (平岡 公一編 [2001] 「高齢期と社会的不平等」東京大学出版会)

Kawakami, M. (2003) Reality of Urban Elderly: A Consideration of Social Welfare, Gakubunsha (in Japanese); (上昌子 [2003]「都市高齢者の実態―社会福祉学としての考察」学文社; 増補改訂版)

Kawai, K. (2009) Social Isolation and the Elderly Living Alone in Big Cities, Horitsubunkasha (in Japanese); (河合克義 [2009]「大都市のひとり暮らし高齢者と社会的孤立」法律文化社)

Matsumoto, Y. (2011) (Eds.) Faces of Aging: The Lived Experiences of the Elderly in Japan, Stanford: Stanford University Press

Mizuno, K. and Asai, H. (2004) Theory of Welfare for the Elderly in the Future: In Order to Value the Individual Elderly, Hoiku Shuppansha (in Japanese); (水野喜代志・浅井春夫 [2004]「これからの高齢者福祉論―高齢者一人ひとりを大切にするために」保育出版社)

Yamada, A. (2000) "The Economic Status of the Elderly and the Safety Net of the Social Security System" in National Institute of Population and Social Security Research (eds.) Life Security Function and Transformation of Family Households, University of Tokyo Press (in Japanese); (山田篤祐 [2000] 「社会保障制度の安全網と高齢者の経済的地位」(国立社会保障・人口問題研究所編「家族・世帯の変容と生活保障機能」 東京大学出版会))

Yashiro, N. (1996) "The Economic Position of the Elderly in Japan" in Hurd, M.D. and Yashiro, N. (eds.) The Economic Effects of Aging in the United States and Japan, University of Chicago Press, pp.89-107

Japan Academic Articles

Aoki, O. et al., (2004) Poverty among Elderly People Alone: From Perspective of Generational Reproduction of Poverty, Journal of Education and Social Work, Vol.10, No.2, pp.1-15 (in Japanese); (青木 紀・石山神二・八子竜太・梅原加奈子・菅原真理子・落合宏則・塙 朋子 [2004]「調査ノート:高齢者一人暮らし世帯の貧困:貧困の世代的再生産の視点から」『教育福祉研究』Vol.10, No.2, 1-15ページ。)

Oshio, T. and Shimizutani, S. (2005) The Impact of Public Pension Benefits on Income and Poverty of the Elderly in Japan, The Japanese Journal of Social Security Policy, Vol.4, No.2, pp.54-66

Shirakashi, H. (1995) The Study on the Structure of the Modern Japanese Rural Society: The Analysis of Poverty among the Elderly, The Annual Reports on Educational Science, Hokkaido University, Vol.65, pp.109-124 (in Japanese); (白樫 久 [1995]「現代の農村社会構造の研究: 農村高齢者の貧困化についての分析」『北海道大學教育學部紀要』Vol.65, 109-124ページ。)

Usui, C. and Palley, H.A. (1997) The Development of Social Policy for the Elderly in Japan, Social Service Review, Vol.71, No.3, pp.360-381

Yamada, A. (2001) The Economic Situation and Income Inequality among the Older People in Japan, Review of Population and Social Policy, No.10, pp.81-106

Japan Government Reports

Cabinet Office (2012) A Summary of Surveys for Strategies of Aging Society, Tokyo: Cabinet Office; (内閣府 [2012]「高齢社会対策に関する調査」内閣府)

Minister of Health, Labour and Welfare (2008) Employment Measure for Older People in Japan, Tokyo: MHLW

Comparative Academic Books and Chapters

Enomoto, K. (1997) Welfare Service for Small Residence of the Elderly: Group Home, Small Residential Home in Japan, Iceland, UK, Korosha (in Japanese); (榎本 和子 [1997]「高齢者の小規模居住に対する福祉サービス―日本・アイスランド・イギリスにおけるグループ・ホーム・小レシデンシャル・ホーム」行路社)

Comparative Academic Articles

Atsuhiro, Y. (2002) Retirement Income Inequality in Nine OECD Countries, 1985-95, the Quarterly of Social Security Research, Vol.38, No.3, pp. 212-228 (in Japanese); (山田篤裕 [2002] 「引退期所得格差のOECD9カ国における動向,1985-95年-社会保障資源配分の変化および高齢化,世帯・所得構成変化の影響-」『季刊社会保障研究』第38巻 第3号, 212-228ページ。)

Brown, R.L. and Prus, S.G. (2006) Income Inequality over the Later-Life Course: A Comparative Analysis of Seven OECD Countries, Annals of Actuarial Science

Casey, B. and Yamada, A. (2002) Getting Older, Getting Poorer? A Study of the Earnings, Pensions, Assets and Living Arrangements of Older People in Nine Countries, OECD Labour Market and Social Policy Occasional Paper, No.60, pp.1-70

Izuhara, M. (2002) Care and Inheritance: Japanese and English Perspectives on the "Generational Contract", Ageing & Society, No.22, pp.61-77

Izuhara, M. (2004) Negotiating Family Support? The "Generational Contract" between Long-term Care and Inheritance, Journal of Social Policy, Vol.33, No.4, pp.649-665

Kuroda, K., Baba, H., Butler, J. and Yoshihara, M. (1999) A Comparative Study of Long Term Care Policy for Frail Elderly People in Sweden, the United Kingdom and Japan, Studies of Social Problem , Vol.49, No.1, pp. 45-67 (in Japanese); (黒田研二・馬場 寛・バトラー・ジョン・吉原雅昭 [1999] 「高齢者長期ケア政策の動向と実績に関するスウェーデン、英国、日本の比較研究」『社會問題研究』第49巻 第1号, 45-67ページ。)

Yamada, A. (2002) The Evolving Retirement Income Package: Trends in Adequacy and Equality in Nine OECD Countries, OECD Labour Market and Social Policy Occasional Paper, No.63

Comparative Reports

Casey, B. and Yamada, A. (2002) The Public-Private Mix of Retirement Income in Nine OECD Countries: Some Evidence from Micro-data and an Exploration of its Implications, (Luxembourg Income Study Working Paper Series 311), Luxembourg: OCED

OECD (2001) (Eds.) Ageing and Income: Financial Resources and Retirement in 9 OECD Countries: Financial Resources and Retirement in 9 OECD Countries, Paris, OECD Publishing

OECD (2011) Pensions at a Glance 2011: Retirement-income Systems in OECD and G20 Countries, Paris: OCED