



I. 理論・概念・測定方法
II. 子ども
III. 若者
IV. 労働者
V. 高齢者
VI. ジェンダー
VII. エスニシティ
VIII. 医療
IX. 住宅
X. 都市・地域研究 →

X. 都市・地域研究

UK Academic Books and Chapters

Cattell, V. (2012) Poverty, Community and Health: Co-operation and Good Society, Hampshire: Palgrave Macmillan

Cloke, P., Milbourne, P. and Widdowfield, R. (2002) Rural Homelessness: Issues, Experiences and Policy Responses, Bristol: The Policy Press

Henderson, P. and Salmon, H. (2002) Social Exclusion and Community Development, London: Community Development Foundation

Kazepov, Y. and Zajczyk, F. (1997) "Urban Poverty and Social Exclusion: Concepts and Debates" in Moulaert, F. and Scott, A. J. (eds.) Cities Enterprises and Society on the Eve of the 21st Century, London: Wellington House, pp.151-173

Lupton, R. (2003) Poverty Street: The Dynamics of Neighbourhood Decline and Renewal, Bristol: The Policy Press

MilBourne, P. and Cloke, P. (2006) (Eds.) International Perspectives on Rural Homelessness, Oxon: Routledge

Musterd, S., Murie, A. and Kesteloot, C. (2006) (Eds.) Neighbourhoods of Poverty: Urban Social Exclusion and Integration in Comparison, Basingstoke: Palgrave Macmillan

Power, A. and Elster, J. (2005) Environmental Issues and Human Behaviour in Low-income Areas in the UK, Centre for Analysis of Social Exclusion, London: London School of Economics and Political Science

Power, A. (2007) City Survivors: Bringing up Children in Disadvantaged Neighbourhoods, Bristol: The Policy Press

Power, Anne (2007) Neighbourhood Renewal, Mixed Communities and Social Integration: Report to Neighbourhood Renewal Unit, Centre for Analysis of Social Exclusion, London: London School of Economics and Political Science

Power, A., Willmot, H. and Davidson, R. (2011) (Eds.) Family Futures: Childhood and Poverty in Urban Neighbourhoods, Bristol: The Policy Press

Rakodi, C. and Lloyd-Jones, T. (2002) (Eds.) Urban Livelihoods: A People Centred Approach to Reducing Poverty, London: Earthscan Publications Ltd.

Richardson, L. (2008) DIY Community Action: Neighbourhood Problems and Community Self-help, Bristol: The Policy Press

Ricketts, S. and Field, D. (2012) Localism and Planning, West Sussex: Bloomsbury Professional

Smith, A. E. (2009) Ageing in Urban Neighbourhoods: Place Attachment and Social Exclusion, Bristol: The Policy Press

Smith, D. M. (2005) On the Margins of Inclusion: Changing Labour Market and Social Exclusion in London, Bristol: The Policy Press

UK Academic Articles

Power, Anne (2012) Social Inequality, Disadvantaged Neighbourhoods and Transport Deprivation: An Assessment of the Historical Influence of Housing Policies, Journal of Transport Geography, No.21, pp.39-48

UK Reports

Smith, N., Davis, A. and Hirsch, D. (2010) A Minimum Income Standard for Rural Households, York: Joseph Rowntree Foundation

Japan Academic Books and Chapters

Abe, Y. (2001) "Effects of Regional Minimum Wages on the Part-time Wage" in Inoki, T. and Ohtake, F. (eds.) Economic Analysis of Employment Policy, Chapter 9, University of Tokyo Press (in Japanese); (安部由起子 [2001]「地域別最低賃金がパート賃金に与える影響」猪木武徳・大竹文雄編『雇用政策の経済分析』第9章 東京大学出版会)

Nishizawa, A. (2008) "Poverty as a Result of Exclusion--- Tokyo's Urban Underclass" in Iwata, M. and Nishizawa, A. (ed.) Poverty and Social Welfare in Japan, Australia: Trans Pacific Press, pp.39-62

Shibata, K. (2007) Poverty and Community Welfare Activities: Record of Settlement and Social Welfare Council, Mirai (in Japanese); (柴田謙治 [2007]「貧困と地域福祉活動-セツルメントと社会福祉協議会の記録」みらい)

Stevens, C. S. (1997) On the Margins of Japanese Society: Volunteers and the Welfare of Urban Underclass, London: Routledge

Suzuki, T. (2012) "Learning to Build a Regional Community" after 3.11 for Sustainable Social Engagement, Hokuju Shuppan (in Japanese); (鈴木敏正 [2012]「持続可能で包容的な社会のために―3・11後社会の「地域をつくる学び」」北樹出版)

Takasaki City University of Economics, Research Centre for Regional Policy (2010) (Eds.) Social Exclusion and Inequality: Efforts to Resolve by Community, Keiso Shobo (in Japanese); (高崎経済大学附属地域政策研究センター編 [2010] 「社会的排除と格差問題―地域社会による解決への取り組み」勁草書房)

Japan Academic Articles

Fielding, A.J. (2004) Class and Space: Social Segregation in Japanese Cities, Transactions of the Institute of British Geographers, New Series, Vol.29, No.1, pp.64-84

Abe, Y. and Tamada, K. (2007) On the Regional Differences in Minimum Wages and Welfare Benefits in Japan, Japanese Journal of Labour Studies, (Nihon Rodo Kenkyu Zasshi), No. 563, pp.31-47 (in Japanese); (安部由起子・玉田桂子 [2007]「最低賃金・生活保護額の地域差に関する考察」『日本労働研究雑誌』No.563, 31-47ページ。)

Kuroiwa, R. (2010) Social Isolation of the Elderly in Urban Areas and Regional Welfare, Journal of Poverty, No.4, pp.88-97 (in Japanese); (黒岩 亮子 [2010] 「都市高齢者の「孤立」と地域福祉の課題」『貧困研究』 No.4, 88-97ページ。)

Kojima, K. (2002) Income Difference by Region in Japan, the Quarterly of Social Security Research, Vol.38,No.3, pp. 229-238 (in Japanese); (小島克久 [2002] 「地域別に見た所得格差」『季刊社会保障研究』 Vol.38, No.3, 229-238ページ。)

Kojima, T. (2010) Foster the People: Local Community and Social Support, Nagaoka University Lifelong Learning Research Annual Report, No.4, (No.13 Tsukan), pp.25-39 (in Japanese); (児島俊郎 [2010] 「人を育てるー地域と社会が支えるとは」『長岡大学生涯学習研究年報』 第四号, 通号第13号, 25-39ページ。)

Shibata, K. (2008) Poverty and Equalitarian Social Policy, Personal Support and Community Regeneration, Kinjo Gakuin University Journal of Social Science, Vol.5, No.1, pp.1-20 (in Japanese); (柴田謙治 [2008]「貧困と平等主義的社会政策、個別支援と地域再生 – 貧困への地域レベルでの取組み」『金城学院大学論集社会科学編』第5巻, 第1号, 1-20ページ。)

Comparative Academic Books and Chapters

Benassi, D., Kazepov, Y. and Mingione, E. (1997) "Socio-economic Restructuring and Urban Poverty under Different Welfare Regimes" in Moulaert, F. and Scott, A. J. (eds.) Cities Enterprises and Society on the Eve of the 21st Century, London: Wellington House, pp.174--218

Oda, K. (2002) Social Welfare of the Community Care: Community Welfare in the UK and Japan, Keiso Shobo (in Japanese); (小田 兼三 [2002]「コミュニティケアの社会福祉学―イギリスと日本の地域福祉」勁草書房)

Comparative Academic Articles

Ballas, D., Campbell, M., Clarke, G., Hanaoka, K., Nakaya, T. and Waley, P. (2012) A Spatial Microsimulation Approach to Small Area Income Estimation in Britain and Japan, Studies in Regional Science (Publication in Process)

Shibusawa, H. and Batey, P. (2006) A Comparison of the Urban Policy Evaluation Used in Britain and Japan, Bulletin of the School of Humanities, Toyohashi University of Technology, No.28, pp.11-33 (in Japanese); (渋澤博幸・ベイティ ピーター [2006] 「英国と日本における都市政策評価手法の比較研究(2)」『豊橋技術科学大学人文科学系紀要』No.28, 11-33ページ。)