Key Research Publications


Topic Groups

Key research publications have been divided into ten topic groups. Publications concerning (or originating from) the UK and Japan or comparative works are listed under these categories. Some freely available publications can be downloaded in PDF directly from this site.

I. Theories, Definition and Measurement
II. Children →
III. Young People
IV. Working Age Adults
V. Later Life
VI. Gender
VII. Ethnicity
VIII. Health
IX. Housing
X. Urban and Rural Studies

II. Children

UK Academic Books and Chapters

Axford, N. (2012) Exploring Concepts of Child Well-Being: Implications for Children's Services, Bristol: The Policy Press

Bradshaw, J. (2002) The Well-being of Children in the U.K., London: Save the Children

Bradshaw, J., Finch, N., Mayhew, E., Ritakallio, V. and Skinner, C. (2006) Child Poverty in Large Families, Bristol: The Policy Press

Hirsch, D. (2006) What Will It Take to End Child Poverty? Firing on All Cylinders, York, Joseph Rowntree Foundation

Hölscher, P. (2008) "Children's and Young people's Experiences of Poverty and Social Exclusion" in Ridge, T. and Wright, S. (eds.) Understanding Inequality, Poverty and Wealth, Bristol: The Policy Press

Morris, K., Barnes, M., and Mason, P. (2009) Children, Families and Poverty, Bristol: The Policy Press

Pemberton, S., Gordon, D., Nandy, S., Pantazis, C. and Townsend, P. (2005) "The Relationship between Child Poverty and Child Rights: The Role of Indicators" in Minujin, A., Delamonica, E. and Komarecki, M. (eds.) Human Rights and Social Policies for Children and Women, New York City: New School

Platt, L. (2005) Discovering Child Poverty: The Creation of a Policy Agenda from 1800 to the Present, Bristol: The Policy Press

Power, A., Willmot, H., and Davidson, R. (2011) Family Futures: Poverty and Childhood in Urban Neighbourhoods, Bristol: The Policy Press

Preston, G. (2005) (Eds.) At Greatest Risk: Children Most Likely to Be Poor, London: Child Poverty Action Group

Ridge, T. (2002) Childhood Poverty and Social Exclusion from a Child's Perspective, Bristol: The Policy Press

Ridge, T. (2009) "Benefiting Children? The Challenge of Social Security Support for Children" in Millar, J. (eds.) Understanding Social Security: Issues for Policy and Practice, Bristol: The Policy Press, pp.151-170

Scourfield, J. (2003) Gender and Child Protection, Hampshire: Palgrave Macmillan

Stewart, K. (2005) "Towards and Equal Start? Addressing Childhood Poverty and Deprivation" in Hills, J. and Stewart, K. (eds.) A More Equal Society? New Labour, Poverty, Inequality and Exclusion, Bristol: The Policy Press

Stewart, K. (2009) "A Scar on the Soul of Britain': Child poverty and disadvantage under New Labour" in Hills, J., Sefton., T. and Stewart, K. (eds.), Towards a More Equal Society? Poverty, inequality and policy since 1997, Bristol: The Policy Press

Stewart, K. (2009) "Poverty, Inequality and Child Well-being in International Context: Still Bottom of the Pack?" in Hills, J., Sefton., T. and Stewart, K. (eds.), Towards a More Equal Society? Poverty, Inequality and Policy since 1997, Bristol: The Policy Press

Thoburn J., Chaud A. and Procter, J. (2005) Child Welfare Services for Minority Ethnic Families: The Research Reviewed, London: Jessica Kingsley Publishers

Tomlinson, M. and Walker, R. (2009) Coping with Complexity: Child and Adult Poverty, London: CPAG

Vleminckx, K. and Smeeding, T. (2001) (Eds.) Child Well-being, Child Poverty and Child Policy in Modern Nations: What Do We Know?, Bristol: Policy Press

UK Academic Articles

Bradshaw, J. (2002) Child Poverty and Child Outcomes, Children & Society, Vol. 16, No.2, pp.131-140

Bradshaw, J. and Richardson, D. (2008) Does Child Income Poverty Measure Child Well-Being Internationally? , Social Policy and Society, Vol.7, No.4, pp. 521-536

Gillborn, D. and Mirza, H.S. (2000) Educational Inequality, Mapping Race, Class and Gender: A Synthesis of Research Evidence, London: Office for Standards in Education

Minujin, A. and Delamonica, E. (2003) Mind the Gap! Widening Child Mortality Disparities, Journal of Human Development, Vol.4, pp.397-418

Pemberton, S.A., Gordon, D., Nandy, S., Pantazis, C. and Townsend, P. (2007) Child Rights and Child Poverty: Can the International Framework of Children's Rights Be Used to Improve Child Survival Rates?, PLOS Medicine, Vol.4, No.10, pp.1567-1570

Pickett, K.E. and Wilkinson, R.G. (2007) Child Wellbeing and Income Inequality in Rich Societies: Ecological Cross Sectional Study, British Medical Journal, Children & Society, Vol. 335, No.1080

UK Government Reports

Cooke, G.,Gregg, P., Hirsh, D., Jones, N. and Power, A. (2008) Ending Child Poverty: "Thinking 2020": A Report and Think-pieces from the Child Poverty Unit Conference, London: Department for Work and Pensions

Field, F. (2010) The Foundation Years: Preventing Poor Children Becoming Poor Adults, The Report of the Independent Review on Poverty and Life Chances, London: Cabinet Office

HM Government (2011) A New Approach to Child Poverty: Tackling the Causes of Disadvantage and Transforming Families' Lives, London: Department of Work and Pensions/Department of Education

HM Treasury (2004) Child Poverty Review, Norwich: HMSO

ODPM (Office of the Deputy Prime Minister) (2004) The Impact of Government Policy on Social Exclusion among Children Aged 0–13 and Their Families - A Review of the Literature for the Social Exclusion Unit in the Breaking the Cycle Series, London: ODPM

UK Other Key Reports

Child Poverty Action Group (2009) Ending Child Poverty: A Manifesto for Success, London: Child Poverty Action Group

Japan Academic Books and Chapters

Asai, H. (2002) Welfare Studies of Child Abuse: Network of Advocacy for Children's Rights, Shogakukan (in Japanese); (浅井春夫 [2002]「子ども虐待の福祉学―子どもの権利擁護のためのネットワーク」小学館)

Asai, H., Yuzawa, N. and Matsumoto, I. (2008) Child Poverty: For Equality of Childhood Happiness, Akashi Shoten (in Japanese); (浅井春夫・湯澤直美・松本伊智郎 [2008]「子どもの貧困―子ども時代のしあわせ平等のために」明石書店)

Abe, A. (2008) Child Poverty: Rethinking Fairness in Japan, Iwanami Shoten (in Japanese); (阿部 彩 [2008]「子どもの貧困―日本の不公平を考える」岩波新書)

Comprehensive Research Institute of Social Welfare (2011) (Eds.) Welfare Square, October 2008, Special Issue: Confront Child Poverty, Osaka Foundation for Social Welfare (in Japanese); (総合社会福祉研究所編 [2011] 「福祉のひろば 2008年10月号 特集: 『子どもの貧困』に向き合って」大阪福祉事業財団)

Hosaka, W. and Iketani, T. (2012) Lupo: The Chain of Child Poverty, Follow the SOS in the Field of Education, Kobunsha (in Japanese); (保坂 渉・池谷孝司 [2012]「ルポ 子どもの貧困連鎖 教育現場のSOSを追って」光文社)

Ishikawa, Y. (2011) Lupo: Children's Social Isolation, Rakure Chukoshisho (in Japanese); (石川結貴 [2011]「ルポ 子どもの無縁社会」中公新書ラクレ)

Iwakawa, N. and Ida, H. (2007) Poverty and Academic Achievement, Akashi Shoten (in Japanese); (岩川直樹・伊田広行 [2007]「貧困と学力」明石書店)

Nishida, Y. (2012) School against the Social Exclusion, Osaka University Press (in Japanese); (西田芳正 [2012]「排除する社会・排除に抗する学校」大阪大学出版会)

Nishida, Y., Tsumaki, S., Nagase, M. and Uchida, R. (2011) Orphanage and Social Exclusion: Critical of Family-Dependent Society, Kaiho Shuppansha (in Japanese); (西田芳正・妻木進吾・長瀬正子・内田龍史 [2011]「児童養護施設と社会的排除-家族依存社会の臨界」解放出版社)

Research Institute for Local Government by Arakawa City (2011) (Eds.) Protect the Future of the Child: Arakawa Approach to the Problem of Child Poverty and Social Exclusion, Sanseido (in Japanese); (荒川区自治総合研究所編 [2011]「子どもの未来を守る―子どもの貧困・社会排除問題への荒川区の取り組み」三省堂)

Taniguchi, Y. (2011) Orphanage Children's Life: Why Children Cannot Avoid Exclusion? Akashi Shoten (in Japanese); (谷口由希子[2011]「児童養護施設の子どもたちの生活過程―子どもたちはなぜ排除状態から抜け出せないのか」明石書店)

Yamano, R. (2008) Children's Poorest Country, Japan: Various Impacts Caused by Academic Skill, Health, and Society, Kobunsha (in Japanese); (山野良一 [2008]「子どもの最貧国・日本ーー学力・心身・社会におよぶ諸影響」光文社新書)

Yuzawa, N., Nakanishi, S., Asai, H., Hirayu, M., Abe, A., Matsumoto, I., Iwakawa, N., Mizushima, H. and Yamamo, R. (2009) (Eds.) White Paper on Child Poverty, Akashi Shoten (in Japanese); (湯澤直美・中西新太郎・浅井春夫・平湯真人・阿部彩・松本伊智郎・岩川直樹・水島宏明・小西祐馬・山野良一編 [2009]「子どもの貧困白書」明石書店)

Japan Academic Articles

Abe. A. (2009) Child Poverty in Japan: Equal Opportunity? Trends in the Sciences, Vol.14, No.8, pp. 66-72 (in Japanese); (阿部 彩 [2009] 「日本の子どもの貧困:失われた『機会の平等』」『学術の動向』Vol.14, No.8, 66-72ページ。)

Abe, A.K. (2010) The Changing Shape of the Care Diamond: The Case of Child and Elderly Care in Japan, Geneva: UNRISD

Abe. A. (2011) The Effect of Child Poverty on Deprivation in Later Years, the Quarterly of Social Security Research, Vol. 46, No.4, pp. 354-367 (in Japanese); (阿部 彩 [2011] 「子ども期の貧困が成人後の生活困難(デプリベーション)に与える影響の分析」『季刊社会保障研究』第46巻 第4号, 354-367ページ。)

Dekel, R. (1990) Equal Opportunity and the Quantity and Quality of Japanese Children, Journal of Asian Economics, Vol.1, No.2, pp.319-331

Oshio,T., Sano, S. and Kobayashi, M. (2010) Child Poverty as a Determinant of Life Outcomes: Evidence from Nationwide Surveys in Japan, Social Indicators Research, Vol.99, No.1, pp. 81-99

Ohsawa, S. (2008) Inequality in Childhood Experiences, Journal of Education and Social Work, Vol.14, pp.1-13) (in Japanese); (大澤真平 [2008] 「子どもの経験の不平等」『教育福祉研究』第14号、1-13ページ。)

Oishi, A. (2007) Trends in Child Poverty and Its Implications, the Quarterly of Social Security Research, Vol.43, No.1, pp. 54-64 (in Japanese); (大石亜希子 [2007] 「子どもの貧困の動向とその帰結」『季刊社会保障研究』第43巻 1号、66-72ページ。)

Mihira, T. (2009) Problematic Issues for the Study of Poverty in Childhood in the Field of Childcare, Journal of Nagoya Gakuin University, Social Sciences, Vol.46, No.2, pp.129-146 (in Japanese); (見平 隆「保育領域における『子どもの貧困』の課題」『名古屋学院大學論集―社会科学篇』第46巻 第2号, 129-146ページ。)

Shirahase, S. (2007) Cross-National Comparison of Economic Inequality among Households with Children, Working Paper No.461 for Luxembourg Income Study Working Paper Series

Yuzawa, N. (2009) Generational Reproduction of Poverty and Childrearing: Based on the Life History of a Mother and Her Child, Japanese Journal of Family Sociology, Vol.21, No.1, pp.45-56 (in Japanese); (湯澤直美 [2009] 「 貧困の世代的再生産と子育て : —ある母・子のライフヒストリーからの考察—」『家族社会学研究』Vol.21, No.1、45-56ページ。)

Japan Government Reports

Minister of Health, Labour and Welfare (2012) Annual Report of Child Benefit Business 2009, Tokyo: Minister of Health, Labour and Welfare (in Japanese); (厚生労働省 [2012]「平成21年度 児童手当事業年報」厚生労働省)

Minister of Health, Labour and Welfare (2012) Annual Report of Child Allowance Business 2010, Tokyo: Minister of Health, Labour and Welfare (in Japanese); (厚生労働省 [2012]「平成22年度 子ども手当事業年報」厚生労働省)

Japan Other Key Reports

Japan Other Key Reports

Benesse Educational Research and Development Centre (2009) The Basic Survey of Children's Lifestyle (2nd), Tokyo: Benesse Educational Research and Development Centre; (ベネッセ教育研究開発センター [2009]「第二回子ども生活実態基本調査」)

Comparative Academic Books and Chapters

Cornia, G.A. and Danziger, S. (1997) (Eds.) Child Poverty and Deprivation in Industrialized Countries 1945-1995, Gloucestershire: Clarendon Press

Iwashige, Y., Bennett, F., Nakajima, T. and Uzuhashi, R. (2011) To Learn the Resolution of Child Poverty from the UK: Towards the Act of Child Poverty Strategy in Japan, Kamogawa (in Japanse); (岩重 佳治・フラン・ベネット・中嶋 哲彦・埋橋 玲子 [2011] 「イギリスに学ぶ子どもの貧困解決―日本の「子どもの貧困対策法」にむけて」かもがわ出版)

Kirino, Y. and Ishikawa, H. (2005) NGO and Child Abuse Prevention: International Comparative Research, Akashi Shoten (in Japanese); (桐野由美子・石川洋明 [2005] 「子どもの虐待防止とNGO: 国際比較調査研究」明石書店)

Comparative Academic Articles

Bradshaw, J. (2006) A Review of the Comparative Evidence on Child Poverty, York: Joseph Rowntree Foundation

Corak, M. (2005) Principles and Practicalities in Measuring Child Poverty for the Rich Countries, Innocenti Working Paper 2005-01, Florence: UNICEF

Uzuhashi, R. (2011) Sure Start Programmes in the UK and Challenges of Japan: Problem of Poverty and Pre-school One-Stop Function, Bulletin of Buraku Liberation, Buraku Kaiho Kenkyu, No.192, pp.40-51 (in Japanese); (埋橋 玲子 [2011] 「イギリスのシュア・スタートと日本の課題--貧困問題と就学前のワンストップ機能」『部落解放研究』No.192, 40-51ページ。)

Ohshio, M. (1999) International Comparison on Child Benefit, International Social Security Research, No.127, pp.38-48 (in Japanese); (大塩 まゆみ [1999] 「児童手当の国際比較」『海外社会保障研究』No.127, 38-48ページ。)

Ono, J. (2005) Inclusive Education in Japan: A Comparative Study of Inclusive Education in Japan and UK, Gendaifukushi Kenkyue, No.5, pp.53-63 (in Japanese); (小野純平 [2005] 「日本におけるインクルーシブ教育について : 英国におけるインクルーシブ教育との比較を中心に 」『現代福祉研究』No.5, 53-63ページ。)

Comparative Reports

Bradshaw, J. and Finch, N. (2002) A Comparison of Child Benefit Package in 22 Countries, Department for Work and Pensions Research Report, No.174, Leeds: Corporate Document Services

UNICEF (2010) The Children Left Behind: A league table of inequality in child well-being in the world's rich countries, Innocenti Report Card 9, Florence: UNICEF Innocenti Research Centre