LibKey Nomad

LibKey Nomad is a browser extension that links to full text articles available through Library subscriptions or Open Access alternatives (via Unpaywall data).

Once installed, you will be prompted to select an institution. You can type 'Bristol' in the box to get a short list and then click on 'University of Bristol' to complete the process (see below).

 Shows the LibKey Nomad home page on the left hand side, including a green flame symbol. The right hand side shows the select organisation dropdown menu with University of Bristol selected and underneath the text

LibKey Nomad then scans the pages you visit for publisher URLs. When you land on a page with an article that is available to download, you get a banner alert from LibKey Nomad (see below).

Shows a journal article page with a banner circled in the bottom left which shows a green flame symbol and says

If you are off-campus, you may initially be steered to the University Single Sign On to authenticate as an authorised user (NB: LibKey Nomad does not store your credentials).

Where the PDF is not accessible, LibKey Nomad will connect you with our Get it@Bristol Univ service. In the example below from Strategic Management Journal, the Library has access at JSTOR but not at Wiley Online Library. LibKey Nomad presents a banner alert at the bottom of the page labelled ‘Access Options’ which will connect you to our Get it@Bristol Univ service on Library Search.

Shows a journal article page with a banner circled in the bottom left which shows a  green flame symbol and says

On ScopusWeb of SciencePubMed, and Wikipedia you will also see in-line 'Download PDF' links that will link you seamlessly to UoB Library subscription access. On search result pages you will see links to articles and PDFs, the cover images of the journals that articles appear in, plus links to view all the articles in a journal issue through BrowZine.

Shows a journal results page with circled

And when viewing the list of references for a Wikipedia entry, in-line links will appear next to articles and PDFs when the citation is to a scholarly source that can be accessed courtesy of the Library.

Shows a page of references for a Wikipedia entry, some of the references have the green flame and

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