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Embedding Quandary Content

When saving a quandary output it can be saved as an .htm.

You can simply hyperlink to this file and it will open in a new window and but you can include individual assessments or units within the page itself using the cginclude style.

  1. You will need to make sure you deposit the ALL relevant files in the Wimba Create Course output. This means cutting and pasting each part of the unit(questions htm file) in the generated output folder or to include the file in the generated output simply type a word, hyperlink this word to the Quandary file then apply the cgcomment style.This will transfer files from source document into the generated tutorial media folder
  2. To add a Quandary assessment via the cg include so it appears within your tutorial you will need to hyperlink to the .htm files from the relevant section of your source document. It has to be the .HTM file. Then apply cginclude style to the hyperlinked text. This will display in the

To alter the size you will need to be aware of how far down the Quandary interface stretches in reference to its content. So generate the content first and the browse the requirements of the learning object. This may mean a few iterations of trial and error.