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Embedding a live webpage using MS word styles

  1. Copy the hyperlink of the web page address (i.e. the www. part at the top of the web browser.)

  1. Paste this into your Microsoft Word version of your online tutorial

  1. Highlight the inserted address and apply the cginclude style from the list of styles.

    1. This can be accessed from the Home tab by pressing the small arrow in the bottom right area of the style panel.

  1. When you next generate your Wimba Create Tutorial you will have an included website
    1. To adjust the size enter the size you want the height/width to be within the cginclude

    1. Highlight this number

    1. From the add in tab select the size option in the Wimba Create panel

    1. Select the relevant option between height and width

    1. The next generation of your tutorial will reflect these changes

Note: The following sections emphasise how this can be utilised to its potential.