Features introduced in version 0.2 beta (January 2013)

We've introduced a number of new features in our latest release of Stat-JR (beta release 0.2, January 2013; you can request a download here).

To find out more, follow the links below:

  • Parallel processing: We have introduced a number of parallel processing features to the software when using MCMC estimation, increasing the speed of model estimation when running more than one chain. Follow the link to find out more, including examples.
  • Editing of input files produced by Stat-JR: The user now has the option to edit, in situ, the files (scripts, macros, etc) produced by Stat-JR to run externally-authored software (e.g. to produce charts, fit models, etc).
  • eBook writer: From Stat-JR's webtest interface, you can now produce an eBook which contains all the details of your current webtest session. This can then be imported into Stat-JR's eBook-reading interface, greatly speeding-up the eBook-writing process.
  • CustomC estimation engine: We have introduced a new CustomC estimation engine which circumvents Stat-JR's in-house eSTAT algebra system completely, giving users greater flexibility with regard to model specification and estimation.
  • Starting values for MCMC methods: The latest version features improved facilities for users to specify starting values in MCMC estimation.
  • New link-up to myExperiment: users can now take advantage of myExperiment's virtual research environment to share eBooks with colleagues.

...plus: New look!

You'll also notice that the webtest interface now has a new look-and-feel (see the example, below).

These changes include the following:

  • More information at the front-end, including template and dataset descriptions on the main (opening) page;
  • Multi-select 'cloud' terms, on the main page, to aid template choice;
  • New formatting to bring it in line with its sister interface, the DEEP eBook tool.

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