How to publish your research data

Research Data Service and data.bris

The Research Data Service manages Bristol's data.bris research data repository, the University's platform for research data publication.

Deputy Data Stewards can prepare data for publication, but only Data Stewards can publish data, the RDS website has step by step instructions on how to publish data.

Please contact the Research Data Service team if you need further advice on publishing your research data.

The RDS team can also help with:

The ACRC manages the RDSF (Research Data Storage Facility) infrastructure which underpins data.bris repository. The ACRC also manages the RDSF Data Stewardship process. 

RDSF Data stewards and data publishing permission

RDSF Data Stewards can publish RDSF data in the data.bris research data repository and receive a DOI (Digital Object Identifier).

Deputy Data Stewards of an RDSF project can prepare data for publication, but only the RDSF project Data Steward can authorise its publication. 

Please contact the ACRC for help with RDSF Data Steward changes.


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