Getting started with the RDSF
I am a Data Steward - how do I view and manage my RDSF projects?
You can view your projects, storage use and manage user access by visiting data.bris Data Projects.
How do I check which RDSF projects I have access to?
You can view the projects you have access to by visiting data.bris Data Projects. If you need access to a RDSF project you need to ask the Data Steward or Deputy Data Steward to give you access.
Why does my data appear to occupy twice as much space as I expect?
All RDSF projects are replicated to secure the data in two separate locations, so a 5TB project occupies 10TB of disk space; for example, a 1KB file will occupy 2KB.
How do I make the best use of my RDSF storage?
If you have lots of small files we strongly recommend that you zip or tar them up. This will help you to make the most efficient use of your storage allocation.
What is the Data-Bris folder in my project?
The Data-Bris folder is a pre-created folder which you should only use when you wish to publish research data via the University Research Data Repository.
The data publishing service is managed by the Research Data Service team and guidance is provided on their website.
Should I store all my data in the Data-Bris folder?
No. Only data that you wish to publish in the University Research Data Repository should be stored in the Data-Bris folder. For any other data you should create other folders.
Email for support.