Information about the group
Programme of tasks and socials
Committee details
Scrapbook of photos and the like
Archive of old web pages

News Archive

16 May 2009

Well that’s another year over and a new one not yet begun, so BUGS committee members would like to congratulate Serene on a wonderful presidency, and to wish her well out in the big scary world of work. We also hope all other final year BUCG members good luck in the future, and we hope you keep up the good conservation work where ever you life leads you too.

We would also like to welcome the new committee members, especially our new president Aisa, we all hope it goes well for you over the next year.

If you are new to Bristol University, or maybe a current student wishing to join BUCG, then we will have our stall at the fresher’s fair at the start of the Autumn term, we will let you know nearer the time about its location, if you want to contact us before this, please email one of the committee members, and they will be happy to help you.

21 March 2009

Right lets get to it Jeffry! Tas been a long time since any work had been undertaken on this page, so an update is long due. Since my last update, we have been on many trips, and I have even learned to drive the mini bus! So be warned, if you go on any trips I may be your driver, ar well, it could be worse.

In the run up to the Easter holidays we have also had our AGM, and hence our annual expelling of the committee and it has now been replaced with a nice shiny new lot, so head over to here to see the new committee.

With summer term quickly approaching it feels like a good time to tell you all about the upcoming events. We're going to Cheddar Woods for some dry-stone walling on Sunday 26th April, and if you need a break from the books, why not join us and PlantLife UK for a plant identification walk and common plant survey along the Avon Gorge on Sunday 10th May. Also we'll have summer socials to help you unwind/celebrate the end of exams/enjoy the sun so stay tuned!

Anyway that’s about it from me, so ciao for now matey.

26 November 2008

Hello conservationists, we have two more socials coming up, a Disney pub crawl on November 26th, and the annual Christmas meal on the 10th of December, meeting times and more details can be found here, hope to see you all there.

31 October 2008

Hello conservationists, we have two socials coming up, fireworks on November 1st, and a pub social on the 5th, meeting times and more details can be found here, hope to see you all there.

17 October 2008

As a well deserved break from conservation, we have our next social coming up on the 19th (this Sunday), it's a pub quiz at the Roo Bar, on Whiteladies Road, Clifton Down, (its right next to the train station). The quiz starts at 8, we are going to be collecting in Roo bar from about 7.30’ish, if you need any more details contact our social sectary Steve, hope to see you all there.

9 October 2008

A big hello and welcome to everyone who joined at Fresh! This site gives loads of details on the stuff we do, complete with photos of some of our trips. Our first trip will be Boiling Wells, a city farm within Bristol, on Sunday 12th October. We will be doing path maintenance, scrub clearance, apple picking (yay!) and other general maintenance activities - photos from last year are on our website!

1 October 2008

If you've just started at Bristol, welcome and have a look at our site. We are the Conservation Group, which means we spend our Sundays going to local nature reserves to help out with... errr.. Conservation programmes funnily enough! If you're not new, hope you had a good summer holiday, and are excited about another year of hard work (I know I am....) The new programme for this term in now out, so have a look. As usual it features lots of trips round the region, with a whole variety of pubs to try on the way home!

14th June 2008

We won Best Contribution to Student Development last night at the Society Awards! Congratulations to everyone who made conservation such a success this year and a special thank you to all those committee members who worked so hard to keep us going. Well done, everybody :).

9th June 2008

The new committee's mug shots and contact details are now up on the committee page. Take a look! Also, the end of year BUCG barbeque is taking place on the Downs tomorrow, let's hope the sun keeps shining :).

14th April 2008

The Summer term is almost upon us and, as luck would have it, we have one more event and plenty of socials to look forward to...after all, we wouldn't want the summer to be all about exams now, would we? Course not. See the programme section for more information on what's coming up.

12th February 2008

Photos from the Berrow Dunes are up. :)

26th January 2008

The programme page has been updated to include our next two events. If you have any photos or quotes that you wish to see up on the website send them to Naomi and your wish will be granted.

1st January 2007

Happy New Year, Conservationists! Tradition dictates that this is the time for resolutions, some of which you may even stick to. If you haven't been to a conservation event yet, why not make it your mission to come and join us? :) Christmas pictures are still on their way.

12th December 2007

Last few days of term, woohoo! Thank you to everyone who came to the Christmas meal. I am slowly but surely getting through the backlog of pictures I need to put on the website. If you have any pictures of Lower Woods or the Christmas social that you would like me to put up then send them my way.

17th November 2007

Look at all the new photos!

12th November 2007

Back from Alfrick, the conservationists are heading to The Ram to display our dazzling general knowledge skills (*ahem*). Photos from Alfrick will be up soon on the scrapbook. Don't forget to check the quotes board for those classic moments and if you have any gems that aren't up there already then send them my way.

18 October 2007

We have a social coming up, check out the programme page for more details. Also, photos from the Boiling Wells event are up to on the scrapbook page. If you haven't been involved with BUCG so far, don't worry, we always like to see new faces.

7 October 2007

I'm very, very sorry to anyone who turned up to the Epi tonight expecting to find us, we started there but the Epi closed unexpectedly at 8 forcing us to seek refuge elsewhere. Next time I'll choose a place that stays open! Pictures of the silly hat social will be up within the next few days.

24 September 2007

Another year of conservation fun is almost upon us so make sure you check back regularly for updates on upcoming events and socials. Pictures of this year's trip to Arran are now up for your viewing pleasure on the scrapbook page.

FRESH (the Union's society fair) will be taking place on the 4th and 5th of October. BUCG will be there so make sure you find us and sign up for this year (you may even be rewarded with sweeties!).

28 July 2007

Tim has relinquished control of his baby (this website!) after many years of loving care and attention. I (Naomi) will do my best to live up to his shining example. Make sure, if you are going on the Arran trip, that I know you are going and that you have made appropriate travel arrangements. My email address can be found on the committee page.

22 July 2007

The next event is the annual trip to Arran (Scotland) - see the programme for details or the scrapbook to see what's happened in previous years. The 2007 Awards are now available to view, as is the new committee. Hope you're all enjoying the unseasonably moist summer!

3rd May 2007

Not much is going on in BUCG at the moment, apart from the odd social (check your email). Photos from the Devon weekend are now up and I'll try to put the awards and new committee up when I get a chance.

19th March 2007

We've had our final conservation event of the term, and indeed the academic year. There will be a social or two in the summer term as well as the trip to Scotland to look forward to. Thanks to everyone whose involvement has made this a great year, have a look for yourselves on the pages of the online scrapbook (which includes the quotes board).

20th February 2007

The scrapbook has just been updated with photos from the first couple of trips this term, plus Cheddar Wood will follow soon. Amazingly there are only two more trips before Easter so don't miss out....

3th January 2007

Happy New Year! Did Father Christmas put some comfy new conservation gloves in your stocking? Has the festive season seen you forget what the outdoors looks like? Fed-up with that essay or revision? Then join us on any (or all!) of the exciting trips we have planned for this term.

26 November 2006

Find out what Molly got up to at our most recent pub social!

Plus: only one more task before the end of term. But we'll also be having some form of Christmas social, so keep checking those [BUCG] emails.

7 November 2006

The Alfrick weekend is almost upon us, probably the best trip of the year.... if you haven't already signed-up then email Vicky and keep your fingers crossed that there'll be space! But don't worry if you don't go, there are still plenty of events planned. If you want to see what we've been up to so far, have a look at the scrapbook.

16 October 2006

Our first task at Dolebury Warren was a great success - you can look at the photos in the scrapbook and add your own captions if you like. Keep an eye out for an email about our next social.

9 October 2006

The mailing list has now been updated with this year's members, so if you still aren't receiving emails then look at the email information page or contact Tim. Our first task is scrub bashing this Sunday, a bonfire seems likely!

2 October 2006

Greetings fellow conservers! Freshers' Week has begun and a new term is just around the corner, so dig out those scruffy clothes ready for some action-packed Sunday tasks. Come along to Fresh this Thursday and Friday to find out more and (hopefully) sign-up.

27 August 2006

Fresh back from our annual trip to Scotland, we're looking forward to welcoming some fresh members at Fresh.

23 June 2006

The group has closed down for the summer, apart from the annual trip to Scotland (see programme for details). Tasks will begin again in October.

11th October

well, we have some changes to our original plan. The first outing to Purn Hill has been replaced by this new cool place. Ok, on 16th October we will be visiting Nettocks meadow with the Avon wildlife trust - a wildflower meadow which requires scrub clearance in the autumn months. Pick up times have changed - they are now: 9.30 at the Students Union, 9.45 at University HAll and 10.00 at the Arches. Full details of what's on can be seen on the programme page but also get emailed out regularly.

7th October

Well, this is the first post-FRESH 05 post. i am not sure how many members we manage to get this year, but i am pretty sure we have more than 60. welcome on-board. Full details of what's on can be seen on the programme page but also get emailed out regularly.

1st October

Hi, i am zaki, the new webmaster. At last, the website is mine. Well, i was only given the access to the database last week, so i am still learning how to manage the site. i'll definitely try to keep the website up-to-date

10th January

Welcome back for a new term of university and conservation! If you didn't manage to join us last term then don't be shy, sign-up for a task or just pop along to a social.

14th October - Calling all past BUCG members!

For this year's trip to Alfrick we are inviting along anyone who has left Conservation Group. This should be a brilliant weekend for catching-up with people, with the opportunity to do some actual hands-on work (remember what that was like?). If you think you might like to go, or have contact details for others, email Tim (

Current members are of course more than welcome - there's no need to be scared by the veterans!

4th October

After a successful sign-up at FRESH 04 we are now ready to start on a new term of conservation. Full details of what's on can be seen on the programme page but also get emailed out regularly. Don't miss* the introductory social where you can meet the committee in silly hats and say hi to the other members. There is also a trip to Purn Hill for some scrub bashing.

* Don't worry if you can't make the social, we are happy to be joined by new members throughout the year!

18th September - A new term beckons

Fresh back from our annual week of conservation in Scotland, we're looking forward to getting stuck into some countryside mayhem closer to home. And with FRESH 04 just around the corner (Union building, 12pm-7pm Thurs 30th Sept & 10am-4pm Fri 1st Oct) we're eager to welcome a new raft of members to join us in our noble craft.

If you want to find out what we're like and the sort of stuff we get up to, have a look around this website. Or even better, come and have a chat to us at FRESH 04. It's never too late to join though so just get in touch with President Gwen if you can't make it.

30th April - Show me the website!

As of today, I (Tim) have control of the website once again. MY website! Mwa ha ha ha!

So there are gonna be a few changes around here - just as soon as I figure out all the fiendishly clever things that Sam has done whilst he's been in charge. No, it's all marvellous really. Thanks Sam, I'll try not to let your high standards slip.

Look out for forthcoming additions:

  • the 2004 awards
  • an updated committee page (possibly with new photos)
  • another new shade of green
  • plus any other suggestions sent to

18th March - New Committee Elected!

Thank you to everyone who came to the AGM on Tuesday evening, it was a fantastic night out and one that I shall remember for a long time (partly because of my most unusual chocolate steak!)

Without further ado, your new committee for 2004-5 will be:

  • President - Gwen Hitchcock
  • Vice President / Social Secretary - Vicky Yandall
  • Secretary / Tea and Biscuits Officer - Tim Phillips
  • Treasurer / Fudge Maker - Alison Shorto
  • Tools Officer - Tony Horseman
  • Webmonkey - Tim Evans
  • Much Abused Mascot - Molly the Mollusc (although Tony was nominated)

And finally a great big thank you to Gemma for being such a wonderful president for the last year, and a big welcome to President Gwen!

9th March - AGM Approaching!

Once again it's nearly time for the Conservation AGM. This year it will be held in the Mexican restaurant on Cotham Hill at 7.30pm on Tuesday 16th March. If you want to come then don't forget to email in good time so we can book a BIG table! Also if you're thinking of running for a committee position then check out the committee page to find out what we all do.

Also coming up on the programme page is this weekend's trip to Carymoor and the much awaited Devon weekend.

25th February - Ash Wednesday

Thanks to everyone who went to Tony's last night and helped him empty his larder, he is now ready to fast for 40 days!

The Devon weekend, which was meant to be the 20th-22nd of February, has unfortunately been postponed to the 19th-21st of March. Hopefully this will mean that more people can go though! Also upcoming is another trip to Berrow Dunes, this time with kites and potatoes! As always email President Gemma if you want to go on any of these.

19th February - Nearly pancake day...!

Yup, it's nearly pancake day again! Details of the BUCG Pancake party are now available on the programme page. Also there are still some places for the Devon weekend, so email President Gemma if you want to go!

14th February - Happy Valentines Day!

Happy Valentines day! Don't forget to check out the special Google logo of the day, which after today will also be found in their holiday logos archive.

We now have news of lots of upcoming events - check out the programme page to find out what's happening for the rest of the term. Also a date has been set for the AGM - Tuesday the 16th of March - so if you're interested in running for a committee position (good for your CV!) then you should talk to one of the current committe to find out what it's all about.

9th February - Leigh Woods!

This weekend we will be going to Leigh Woods, which is our most local nature reserve, run by the National Trust. If you've ever wondered what was on the other side of the suspension bridge - apart from Somserset, well come along and have a look! The reserve covers 80 acres along the Avon Gorge, and is semi-natural ancient woodland (very old) of various types. The management is traditional stylie, so we are off to do some coppicing (cutting trees down so they grow back again, to make new baby trees!). There will be no minibus, as we can walk there easily in 20mins from the union!

Meet outside the union at 9.45am, or the Bristol side of the suspension bridge at 10am, so we can all go together and no-one gets lost! If you usually get picked up at University Hall, there may be space in one car, as we have to collect tools from there anyway!

Please send President Gemma an email if you are coming, with where you will meet us, so we can wait for you, and get enough tools. Remember to bring a mug for hot drink, clothes you don't mind getting a bit dirty and some pub money - we'll go somewhere in Clifton on the way home!

Oooo ooo ooo! ...and the "pub" lunch on Wednesday is at the Thai restaurant just opposite MVB on Park Row at 1pm. It does a two course lunch for £6 and has lots of veggie choice.

3rd February - Beijing Bistro!

Thanks to everyone who came on Sunday, we had lots of fun and built a fantastic dry stone wall (strong enough to take the weight of Molly!) Lunch this week is at the Beijing Bistro at the top of Park Street, so please join us on Wednesday at 1pm for some ricey noodley goodness!

Also tomorrow (Wednesday) there's another social at the Alma Tavern from 8pm, go along and join Tony in a drink (he couldn't make it last time). As always find out more about all these events on the programme page.

27th January - Work and lots of socials!

Our next task is this Sunday. We will be dry stone walling in Cheddar Woods. This is a unique event which will hopefully be very popular. If you want to come then please email President Gemma ASAP!

We also have two socials coming up - the "pub" lunch tomorrow will be the all you can eat at Pizza Hut by the Hippodrome (please come along - we get lonely!) and there is also some drinking in the Alma Tavern scheduled for Thursday. Find out more about all these events on the programme page.

19th January - Yes, Minister?

Hopefully everyone had a good time at Berrow Dunes yesterday. The first social of term will be (hopefully!) a Yes Minister night at Tony's house - email Tony at if you want to go, and see the programme page.

Also don't forget the weekly pub lunch. This term we're trying something different by going to a different place each week. This week's venue will be La Tasca, the Spanish tapas place on the triangle, at 1pm. Hope to see some of you there!

14th January - Back to work: Berrow Dunes!

The first task of the term is now known! It will be at Berrow Dunes (sandy dunes, a la beach) and we will be burning stuff and wotnot. Email President Gemma if you want to go, and read more on the programme page.

Also don't forget the weekly pub lunch. This term we're trying something different by going to a different place each week. We start off on Wednesday 14th by visiting the New World Chineses at 1pm. It's an all you can eat restaurant opposite the Hatchet on Frogmore Street, near the iceskating rink and behind The Hippodrome, and it costs £5.

13th January - Happy Birthday Me!

Yup, it's my birthday today. I'm sure you all wanted to know that. In unrelated news there will be information about this term's tasks very soon...

3rd December - Last Event This Term!

With all the sparkly lights, shopping and singing around due to the festive season, wouldn't it be nice to escape for a day, especially after all those deadlines! Well, we have the perfect solution - conservation!! The last task this term will be Lower Woods in Gloucestershire, email Gemma if you want to go!

28th November - Happy Birthday Tony!

Tony, our social secretary and minibus driver, is today celebrating his birthday. Happy Birthday Tony! Anybody who'd like to help him celebrate by buying him beer should turn up tonight in the Hope and Anchor on Jacob Wells road - we'll be there from 7:30 onwards.

Also don't forget about the Christmas Dinner next week - email Tony if you want to go, and on Sunday we're off to West Yatton Down.

21st November - New Website Section Launched!

Our industrious president Gemma has been hard at work producing this new section about all the different reserves we go to. Yay! Go Gemma! From now on there will be links in the programmes page to this section so that you can get more information about the reserve being visited for each event.

Sorry to anyone who tried to go ice skating last night and couldn't find us, the ice rink spontaneously closed and so we couldn't go.

11th November - Happy Birthday Gemma!

It's Gemma's birthday today! In unrelated news don't forget to join us at the Penny Farthing for beer on Wednesday at 8pm, and indeed there's also the pub lunch on Wednesday too at the Ship Inn.

Also upcoming is the Ravensroost Woods event - email Gemma in advance if you want to go!

3rd November - Upcoming Events!

Thanks to everyone who came to the Halloween party. There should probably have been a prize for whoever managed to eat the most food - speaking of which, there is still quite a lot of pumpkin pie left if anyone wants it...

Upcoming events are: Browns Folly on Sunday, which will involve bashing and burning, and Random Party at Gemma's on Saturday. See the programme page for more details, and don't forget to email Gemma in advance if you want to go to Browns Folly!

20th October - Mini Zoo Trip

The great BUCG zoo trip turned out to be more of a mini gathering. Those of us that went had lots of fun and saw loads of cute animals including the quite rare lesser spotted or herbacious Tony (a biped with an enormous grin).

Upcoming events for your diary are: Alfrick, don't forget to sign up if you haven't already done so, the weekly Pub Lunch (at the Ship Inn on Park Row, 1pm, Wednesday), and the charity quiz on Thursday at the Alma Tavern, 8pm.

15th October - Sign up for Zoo trip and Alfrick!

The Conservation calendar is getting exciting now with two upcoming trips! Firstly there is the Zoo trip on Saturday 18th October. The plan is to arrive late morning and have a picnic lunch in the zoo. Entrance is normally £9 but if we have a group of 15 students then we can get in for only £4 each. If you want to go then please email our social secretary Tony at to tell him so - we need to know that 15 people are interested before the trip can go ahead!

Secondly there is the upcoming trip to Alfrick. This trip is lots of fun and I'm told that the food is plentiful - see the photos from last year! The trip will be over the weekend of the 25th and 26th of October, and as usual if you want to go then please email President Gemma at

1st October 2003 - Come see us at Fresh!

Welcome back to Bristol to all our existing members, and welcome to Bristol to the freshers! If you want to join/rejoin then don't forget to come and see us at Freshers Fair this Thursday and Friday at the union. Once again membership is £5 and if you sign up at Fresh you will get some of Ally's now world famous fudge! Our stall will be particularly noticeable this year - as well as Molly the Mollusc in attendance we also plan to have a sweetie tree.

26 September 2003 - BUCG return from Scotland

The BUCG is back from Scotland after a week of burning bushes and testing adventure play grounds. The photos are being put up as fast as they come to me, and of course there are many new quotes on the quotes board. We all had loads and loads of fun, so many thanks to President Gemma for organising it all!

11 September 2003 - New look website!

The new look Conservation website was launched today, sporting a fantastic Brand New Shade of Green™. Everything that was available on the old website is still available on the new one (you can even view the old site here if you wish).

Even older news items can be found here.

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