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The BUCG Committee

The committee members were elected at the AGM, which was held on Monday 15th March at Gourmet Burger Kitchen on Park Street.

Becky Pullinger - President

Becky Becky is the esteemed president despite not being a fan of making decisions. Becky is very friendly and has been working hard to line up a lot of trips this year, just for you guys. She has an obsession for ladybirds and does geography. Indeed, Becky does geography so good she even managed to colour in between the lines of the birthday card we gave her to celebrate her 21st! Becky is such a hard core member that even a log falling on her leg hasn't put her off conservation, although the numerous other alcohol related bruises haven't put her off going out and getting drunk either. Some people never learn.


Joyce Leung - Vice President

Joyce Joyce is another golden oldie, although she may not look it. She likes walking in the great outdoors and has been a quiet, friendly and agreable member of conservation for a few years now. But she's up for a laugh, she'll give anything a go including ceildghs and robo rally. Just like Pete she also likes to take photos of her food.


Mark Wonnacott - Treasurer and Web Monkey

Mark Mark has taken conservation by storm. He's a geeky computer scientist by nature but take him out into the wild and he becomes one with nature. His witty charms and love for karaoke endears him to everyone which can end only one way - a group hug. This is a truly rare event for us conservationists.


Jess Jarvis - Secretary/ Sweeties officer

Jess Jess, also known as JJ, Jellyfish, Jessy or some combination of the three (JJ Jellyfish is my favourite) is a fun loving gal who likes nothing better than getting up early on a Sunday morning and going out for a bit of conservation work. Maybe you'll see her sporting her flowery wellies, who knows. Jess likes to party with her girly friends and saying things like `whack it in', particularly when referring to throwing logs of wood onto the fire. She's in charge of the sweeties and who could possibly do a better job?


Clare Finn - Secretary/ Sweeties officer

Clare Clare has been conserving for three years now and isn't tired of her work. By nature, Clare loves looking at rocks, the pretty patterns in particular and telling you that whatever you're holding isn't a fossil (even though it looks like one). Clare is a keen walker, catching her in a rush is next to impossible. Give her a compass and she'll find her way round the chew valley and be home for supper. As dispensing biscuits and sweets is such a vital part of conservation work, Clare helps Jess out from time to time.


Kate Rogerson - Social Secretary

Will Kate aka the red panda is the cutest conservationist you ever did see. She often wears bright red wellies and waterproofs and likes to perch herself in a tree. She also has very nimble fingers, just check our her awkward turtle impression! Being a classy lady from Richmond (the place in London, not North Yorkshire unfortunately), Kate likes to go out and get hammered. Just make sure she goes home at the end of the night or she'll crash on your sofa.


Pete Money - Tools and Safety Officer

Pete Pete is also a veteran when it comes to conservation. He likes to take pictures of his food right before he eats it. Which makes sense if you're just about to tuck into a tasty dish you never want to forget. As safety officer he will be setting a good example this year. So make sure you listen to him, except when Pete and Mark are having their geeky moments. In fact, Pete knows his job through and through, except for the unexplained loss of a billhook last year, which he no doubt blames Steve for.


Steve Parkinson - Tools and Safety Officer

Steve Steve has been transport officer for a while now and almost knows his way round Bristol. Almost. Convinced he doesn't need a map, and preferring to take the scenic route, he'll drive on regardless and then have to do a u-turn on some narrow country lane perched on the edge of some cliff face. He's also the safety officer, sharing the position with Pete because let's face it, it's a big job and neither of then are man enough to do it themselves. Having both managed to lose a billhook there communication skills need work. Steve blames Pete of course.


Molly the Mollusc - Much Abused Mascot

Molly the Mollusc Erm... yes. For reasons that are as yet not entirely clear our inanimate society mascot has an active email address. I'm told that she enjoys receiving emails and replies personally to each one.
