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Scotland 2006

21st-25th August 2006

BUCG Scotland 2006 Group:
Vicky, Rob, Gemma, Matt, Tim
Shaun, Katie, Beth, Ruth, Sophie, Lisa, Ally and Vicky


This was our fourth trip to the ever-popular Arran in as many years. Shore Lodge was found to have gained two new enormous sofas, admittedly at the expense of a dining table, all but one of the t-towels, and several lights.

There was only time for three work days (and no day off!) but we still packed as much fun in as ever. Tuesday saw us traipsing up Goatfell with spades, lunch at the top, then back down again attempting to sate ranger Kenny's insatiable desire to clear out drainage ditches. On Wednesday we were selectively clearing Western Hemlock and Sitka Spruce with ranger Kerry. And on Thursday was the old favourite rhoddie bashing for ranger Corinna; we were also allowed to cut down something with rubbery leaves, fuchsia, and something like raspberries (anybody remember the names?).

Food was plentiful and wholesome, or if not completely wholesome then definitely plentiful. During the evenings there was much playing of board and card games, a slide show, and a trip to the Ormidale where we won the pub quiz. Outsiders! We won a free round of drinks.

See you next year.....


Quote lovers rejoice! With the winning combination of Ruth and Rob, there was no shortage of comical phrases; all we need next year is for Tony to join us again. See the quotes board.


If you have any you'd like added then please email them to Tim.

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