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The Molly the Mollusc Fan Page

Molly relaxes after a hard day of conserving

This page is dedicated to our beloved yet much abused society mascot, Molly the Mollusc. Molly has existed for more years than anybody can remember, originally as various sketches and clipart. She attained physical form a few years ago now and she has been a very active member of the group. She comes to all the events and is often seen posing on photographs!

Where do Mollys come from?

After extensive research the BUCG are proud to announce the discovery that Mollys grow on trees! Observe:

Molly Seedling

A Molly seedling, newly planted.

Molly Tree!

A full grown Molly tree.

Snail Mail!

Molly even has her own email address. You can email her at

For the cynics amongst you who don't believe me, here is an email that Molly sent welcoming the new committee: